Is there a pay raise in your immediate future? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says while it\'s on target its fate is tied to the economy, the political climate and maybe a few dozen about to be lame-duck members of Congress.
If you read yesterday\'s column you know there is a slim chance you might have been placed in the wrong federal retirement system. If so, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has a way to make things right for yourself.
Remember the Abbott & Costello baseball routine about \"Who\'s on First?\" Well Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there is a federal version. He calls it \"Who\'s on FERS\". It\'s about workers who are placed in the wrong retirement system. Could you be one of them?
Jessica Klement of the Federal Managers Association joins Federal News Radio Senior Correspondent Mike Causey on this week\'s Your Turn to discuss why she and her organization think it\'s only a matter of time before more feds telecommute.
At the end of the day who\'s going to have more money, a banker who drives a Lexus or a federal civil servant who owns a Ford or Chevy Cobalt? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asked a pro and the answer may surprise you.
If you were in the Washington area over the past week you may have noticed traffic was light and drivers, for the most part, were polite for which you can thank Congress. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains the annual August exodus that makes DC livable.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is working on a fall TV series called \'The Stupid Fed Show\'. It\'s the ultimate reality show and it doesn\'t involve desert islands, round-the-world races of switching spouses. It\'s practically done deal with only one federal official standing in his way. To find out how you can help Mike check his column today and don\'t pass it on.
Do you have a mid-20s dependent child who doesn\'t have health insurance? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says relief is on the way, but it may be awhile before it gets to you.
In politically super-charged Washington, the rule of thumb is this: never kick them UNTIL they are down. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the punching bag de jour is the fast-fading Bush administration\'s pay for performance plan. Some loved it, others hated it.
Federal agencies move operations, and people, all the time. Sometimes the reasons are noble: to save taxpayer money, improve operations and for national security. Sometimes they are part of empire-building or please-a-politician reason. Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today.
More than 27,000 Defense Department civilians are going to the half pay raises for the near future. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains what\'s happening and why.
Federal workers are in for a flat-line pay raise next year while retirees are almost certain to take a cut in take-home pay, which for some will be the second year in a row. So what\'s a fed to do? Check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s Federal Report.
Federal workers, and especially federal retirees, may find a much bigger bite coming out of their pay and retirement benefits next year, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says they can avoid the hit if they shop carefully this fall.
Coming to a health plan near you: an excise tax on those so-called Cadillac high-premium, high benefit plans which some federal workers and retirees love. But before you panic, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s Federal Report. It may be just what the doctor ordered.
Did you know that every day, thousands of your fellow federal workers go to prison? To find out why they are there and how they do their time check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s Federal Report today.