Are shutdowns miserable and unfair? Absolutely. Should federal workers be treated the way they were? No way. Is the government a terrible employer? No.
During a shutdown, health insurance coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program continue for up to a year for workers in a nonpay status due to the shutdown.
As cyber and supply chain issues continue to evolve, the success of the federal procurement system is contingent upon the government’s ability to secure and defend the nation’s digital information infrastructure.
If the ongoing government "partial" shutdown has you confused, bewitched, bothered and bewildered welcome to Club FUBAR. As long as politicians who don’t have any skin in the game keep getting paid, shutdowns will continue.
If the lawsuits over the 2018-2019 shutdown go the way of the last one, the money for damages should come faster than in 2013.
Regardless of views on the wall or immigration or border security, commentator Jeff Neal believes most Americans can agree on one thing: This shutdown is a shameful display of politics and utter disregard for people.
During the 30-plus of the latest, longest "partial" government shutdown there have been no major incidents, yet. But the clock is ticking and everybody knows it.
National Commission on Military, National and Public Services rolls out ideas amid the longest partial government shutdown ever.
Will the government shutdown of 2018-19 trigger the massive brain drain some experts have been predicting since the late 1990s? Or, has it already happened, thanks to four shutdowns in a 12-month period?
Robert Shea and Robert Hahn, members of the U.S. Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking, offer six ideas for agencies to begin taking advantage of new evidence-based policymaking law.
You probably know that today is a federal holiday although during a time of multiple shutdowns it is sometimes hard to know what’s happening and to whom, and for how long.
The Coalition for Government Procurement highlights provisions in the Multiple Award Schedules program for federal customers that provide a readily available, streamlined process mirroring the commercial market through its thousands of contracts that provide tens-of-millions of items.
Politicians with a vested interest in an extended shutdown might want to call home from time to time to see how well things are not going, especially in places where the government payroll is king.
The current partial government shutdown, and the full shutdowns that preceded it are, in some respects, simulated shutdowns. They are very real for the people whose pay relies on appropriated funds, but in many other respects they are not shutdowns at all. And that is the problem.
Last Friday was the first blank check many workers have ever received from Uncle Sam. But for some long-time feds the payless payday was not the first.