Michael Carter, the vice president for FedRAMP and assurance services for Coalfire, explains why the FedRAMP Reform Act would ease cloud adoption for agencies and CSP entry into government.
The day after Christmas, guest columnist Nancy Crosby takes a proactive approach to surviving the post-holiday winter blues. Be happy, exercise and when it all becomes too much, take a nap.
So did Santa bring you what you wanted? If you work for the federal government, the shirt answer is yes and no. It's been a wild ride but this year showed just how essential federal employees are.
The parties settle in for siege rather than work 'round the clock.
There's little effect on the public so far, but that will change the longer this partial government shutdown goes on.
Today the Coalition submitted comments in response to the General Services Administration’s Request for Information regarding commercial e-commerce portals.
The news out of Washington today that there is still no agreement on a deal to keep the government open until Feb. 8, 2019 is making a lot of federal workers nervous. What happens if there is no deal before tomorrow night? Is there anything to worry about? And how long could this standoff last?
Be honest, how many of you bet a colleague, or yourself, that the president wasn’t going to give feds a bonus holiday Christmas Eve?
Chris Balcik, Samsung’s vice president of federal, explains why current and emerging technology on your smartphone could replace your smart identity card.
According to the experts December is on target to have its worst month since 1931. The erratic, some would say more normal performance of the market this year has made lots of investors nervous.
Telling people they can’t work but will eventually get paid during the biggest shopping season of the year doesn’t make sense to a lot of folks. Except in Washington, where the people who make government shutdown decisions are exempt from shutdown rules.
The General Services Administration has taken a series of steps to streamline the Multiple Award Schedule processes and increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the MAS program.
Like many saving for retirement, lots of federal-military investors in the Thrift Savings Plan don’t like what they are seeing, reading, hearing and feeling about 2018’s roller coaster stock market.
Congress is considering whether to give feds a 1.9 percent pay raise in January. And the president has yet to decide or at least announce his decision whether to give nonemergency federal workers a bonus holiday on Christmas Eve.
Having political and career leaders engage with the workforce in a constructive and respectful manner is not a Democrat/Republican issue. It is a matter of leadership and should be treated that way.