It looks as if the coronavirus crisis might force some needed workforce reforms permanently.
The virus-driven stock market crash has hammered the TSP accounts of hundreds of thousands of feds, many of whom had planned to retire this year.
Over the past 11 years just about everybody and his brother has predicted that the record-long bull market couldn’t last forever.
Remember that even in a Zoom meeting from your house, you're still at work.
If you're gonna have to telework, you might as well do it right.
Long shot legislation to eliminate or modify Social Security benefits of several million retired federal and public sector employees or their surviving spouses, is almost certainly dead, for now.
The one sure thing about stock market predictions, whether and when it will boom or bust, is that eventually you will be right.
OMB told agencies to offer “maximum telework flexibilities to all current telework eligible employees" due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the majority of feds aren't eligible.
Managed to finish two horror novels last Thursday. The bad news is they were both true, as near as we can tell.
Machine learning can help agencies deal with mass comments and fake ones, too. An ACUS-sponsored study found in fact 152 cases of AI applied by 64 rulemaking agencies.
The notion that agencies could fire federal employees for “disloyalty” or personal political beliefs has long been dispensed with, and was codified in the Civil Service Reform Act, now over 40 years old.
This column was originally published on Roger Waldron’s blog at The Coalition for Government Procurement and was republished here with permission from the author. As promised last week, this blog addresses the recent hearing before the House…
Spreading crisis feels like a test for everybody, and feds, like all people, worry about the basics.
Those agencies that can connect, interpret, and act upon their enterprise data, such as personnel, financial and logistical will be best positioned to successfully adapt to a rapidly unfolding crisis, one that could last months.
Whoever said timing is everything sure knew what she was talking about. Take teleworking, please!