The agency is extending the FTS2001 bridge contract with four vendors for at least another six months. Most of the largest agencies have not fully transitioned to the telecommunications. GSA is readying several other contracts including for HSPD-12 services and strategic sourcing for wireless services.
See how DOD\'s money saving and efficiency tactics match up against your agency\'s. Bill Solis, Director of Defense Capabilities and Management Issues, GAO has more information
Agencies asked 125 annuitants for help last year with Army leading the way, bringing 44 retired federal workers back to help with acquisition processes.
Learn how to handle hay fever, recognize and conquer depression and finally get a good night\'s sleep, all from GSA and Dear Abby. GSA\'s Jacqueline Snee answers our questions.
Host Roger Waldron is joined by Paul Galanti, Commissioner of the Virginia Department of Veterans Services, and John Cissel with the Coalition For Government Procurement. They will discuss the problems veterans encounter when they enter the civilian job market, and the services available to help veterans in their job search. May 17, 2011
Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.
In open government, dumping information on a website is useless if the users cannot quickly understand what the information means for them.
Agency to issue first RFQ under infrastructure-as-a-service governmentwide contract issued by GSA. FEMA and CIS are among the first agency components to move their public-facing sites to the cloud.
This is the fourth time GSA has done a major revamping of the capabilities of the government\'s portal. The agency views the changes to as part of how innovations are changing government to solve challenges. Dave McClure proposes new website to bring together all the innovation efforts across government and share best practices.
Sanjeev \"Sonny\" Bhagowalia talks to Federal News Radio\'s Amy Morris about managing federal IT in an age of budget cuts.
Sen. Mikulski and Rep. Sarbanes introduce legislation to change the way agencies outsource jobs and determine what are inherently governmental functions.
Republican House lawmakers are frustrated and concerned over the draft Executive Order requiring contractors to make campaign contributions public. OFPP\'s Dan Gordon declines to answer specific questions about the proposal, but said transparency is key to ensuring trust in the procurement system.
Al Burman, president of Jefferson Solutions and Chair of the Procurement Round Table, joins host Roger Waldron to talk about the work his group is doing. May 10, 2011
NavigationArts\' Mobile Practice Director Doug Brashear joins host John Gilroy to talk about how the government should handle mobile communication. May 10, 2011(Encore presentation September 6, 2011)
The Fed Cloud Blog told you it was coming. Now, the General Services Administration has officially released its request for quotation for e-mail, office automation and electronic records management cloud services. Federal News Radio’s Jason Miller reports the cloud contract has a ceiling of $2.5 billion over five years. The important dates to remember? Vendors [...]