GSA and Metropolis magazine are teaming up to give $10,000 to the best design that makes an old federal building green. The DorobekINSIDER spoke with Casey Jones, director of design excellence and the arts at GSA, about the contest.
As part of Energy Awareness Month, DoD releases a statement on its commitment to move toward cleaner energy sources.
Vendors bidding on the contract are asked to extend their prices to Nov. 30. GSA CIO Coleman said her goal was to make the award by Veterans Day.
The administration conducts its first set of reviews of the three-to-eight high priority goals each agency set last year. OMB is encouraging agencies to conduct their own reviews in order to keep focus on meeting the objectives. All agency performance information eventually will be made public through a new portal,
Agencies are testing an assortment of smartphones and tablet computers to improve how their workforces meet their missions. But there still are questions about the security of these devices.
Increasingly, agencies are tapping into blogs, Facebook, and Twitter to reach out to the public. Now, the federal department leading the way in the federal government\'s use of social media is making it easier for even the smallest agency to use Web 2.0 tools.
Congressmen introduce legislation requiring agencies to transition to the new telecommunications contract from FTS2001 by May 2010. Towns said the government could lose $500 million because of the delays.
Host Larry Allen talks with Anne Reed, President, ASI Government about outside firms working with government on acquisition issues. October 19, 2010
Host Mark Amtower interviews Deltek CEO Kevin Parker about the company\'s recent acquisition of Input. October 11, 2010 (Repeated October 18, 2010)
Telework proves itself again when a Continuity of Operations Plan comes together.
You’ve heard the phrase: You get what you measure. Measuring the results of sustainable programs and policies has been one of the challenges with green government. Wrapping up Federal News Radio’s week-long series the Greening…
With the majority of federal employees located outside of the Washington, D.C. metro area, how are feds in regional offices answering the White House\'s mandates regarding the greening of government? The answer: the Federal Executive Boards organized groups of executives who find ways to collaborate across agency lines.
Bill Gormley, the President and CEO of the Washington Management Group, which owns FedSources, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the changes to how the contracting community will get information.
The General Services Administration and Metropolis Magazine have teamed up to offer $10,000 for a winning design that will make a 45-year-old GSA building more green. Susan Szenasy, the editor-in-chief of Metropolis Magazine, discusses the competition.
GSA’s chief spokesperson, Sahar Wali, is going to be leaving the agency. She will be joining the White House Council of Environmental Quality as their communications director next month, the DorobekINSIDER has confirmed. Wali has roots on Capitol Hill and she worked on the Obama campaign. She joined GSA soon after the election and has [...]