Motorola\'s Jim Mears explains why this top government contractor is splitting into two companies and how that will impact agencies.
NIST\'s Randall Easter outlines what Apple would have to do in order to make its products available for government jobs.
Defense News reports that the Army is ordering Boeing to cancel two programs that tested poorly.
This week\'s show is all about you - the federal employee. What other changes may be in store for feds in 2011 in the wake of the federal pay freeze and the change in Congress? January 12, 2011
Host Roger Waldron is joined by David Dowd, partner at Mayer Brown, to discuss the acquisition implications of the recent bid protest decision involving Google, Microsoft, and the Interior Department. January 11, 2011
Frustrated with content management systems? Host John Gilroy talks with Tony Byrne, founder of Real Story Group. January 11, 2011
Defense Department employees have only a few weeks to get themselves familiar with a set of online tools designed to estimate the costs.
The U.S. Small Business Administration will begin implementation of its women-owned small business (WOSB) contracting program. Summit Insight\'s Judy Bradt tells us about how to be a part.
Host Mark Amtower discusses PR tips for small businesses with Melanie Rembrandt. January 10, 2011
Army\'s Space and Missile Defense Command puts big money on the table.
The Office of Management and Budget is reminding agencies for a second time in four years not to use brand names in their procurements.
Mark Amtower discusses his book, \"Selling to the Government.\"
DISA\'s Tony Montemarano said the agency wants to use more performance based contracts to better manage contractors.
Fifteen contract laboratory workers are being laid off at Fort Detrick because of budget cuts at the Department of Homeland Security, AP reports.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates was expected to spend the morning detailing for members of Congress his internal cost-cutting measures, which he said in August would save the department $100 billion over five years. Analysts said the effort was intended to preempt any budget cuts that Congress might force on the department.