The agencies are making $30 million available for companies to investigate the possibilities for creating military biofuels. The projects could help achieve the President's energy goals, military energy security and rural economic improvement.
Brian Friel talks about a Bloomberg Government report on contractors whose revenues exceed $100 million. Don Dees, chief of information strategies at Fort Belvoir, reports on damages caused by last weekend's storm. Procurement attorney Joseph Petrillo discusses risks that commercial item contractors might face. Hill reporter Ian Swanson provides a congressional roundup. Elliott Branch, the Navy's deputy assistant secretary for acquisition and procurement, has been nominated for a Service to America Medal.
New security measures, including a new polygraph question, will help avoid leaks from intelligence employees, announced James Clapper, director of National Intelligence. Lawyer John Mahoney analyzes the legal responsibilities between agencies and federal employees.
The Navy is standardizing how it screens and qualifies commanding officer candidates. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert has approved an instruction to create a written qualification program to be shared among all officer communities.
Last year, the Pentagon spent nearly $75 billion on acquisitions of commercial items, more than double the amount from five years ago. But the word "commercial" in DoD applies to a lot of products you won't find on any store shelf.
The Navy tried to ensure it properly addressed industry concerns as it developed its final solicitation for the $5.4 billion network contract. Some comments involved cost-reduction. Others related to fairness in competition.
The Navy's top man in Europe said cyber is the threat that keeps him up at night.
Rear Adm. Diane Webber is the new deputy commander of the Fleet Cyber Command and the Tenth Fleet at Fort Meade, Md., according to a recent Defense Department release. Webber is currently the director of communications and networks at the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. The Commander of Fleet Cyber Command is Vice Adm. Michael Rogers.
Navy Capt. Ken Barrett said diversity is an issue "people get hung up on," but he's never looked at it as meeting quotas. "It's about making heads counts, not counting heads," he said. The profile is part of Federal News Radio's Federal Voices series.
The Navy is joining with Maryland counties to study the effects of wind farms on radar.
The Navy is looking for someone to run the world's second-largest computer network. At least two consortiums of vendors are vying for the $4.5 billion deal.
Lockheed Martin will join a team of several other large companies in a bid for the Navy's forthcoming multibillion dollar Next Generation Enterprise Network contract.
The Navy is deploying two roving teams to combat what it sees as an serious threat: stress.
The Armed Services committee Seapower chairman is tired of waiting for the Navy's ship building plan to come in.
The Submarine Learning Center, at the Naval Submarine Base New London, has won a LEED silver award for being green. The center's headquarters uses geothermal heating a cooling systems and is built out of recycled building materials.