Gladys Commons, assistant secretary of the Navy for financial management and comptroller, said the Navy hopes to have its Statement of Budgetary Resources audit-ready by the end of 2013, ahead of the Defense Department\'s deadline.
The service\'s CIO Terry Halvorsen said the goal is to bring together the purchasing power of the Navy and the Marines Corps to obtain lower prices. He said the Department of the Navy expects to save $100 million over five years. Navy senior officials from technology, acquisition and finance make the use of these enterprisewide contracts mandatory.
Rear Adm. Ted Carter, commander of the Enterprise Carrier Strike Group, spoke with Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu from the Atlantic Ocean as the carrier heads off for one last set of missions in Europe and the Middle East.
The Office of Naval Research is going beyond routine training to invest in its workforce. In addition to classroom time, employees can go to speaking engagements and complete rotational assignments, including virtual assignments.
The services are spending $31 million more every time oil prices increased $1 a barrel. The unexpected increase in costs is forcing the Pentagon to take even a deeper dive to find areas to save or avoid spending on in both the short and long term. DoD sees improved acquisitions as a major area for further potential spending reductions.
Vice Admiral Philip Cullom is the deputy chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics at the Navy.
Eight current and former members of the U.S. military allege in a new federal lawsuit that they were raped, assaulted or harassed during their service and suffered retaliation when they reported it to their superiors.
The Pentagon recently announced it would open up 14,000 combat positions to female troops. While women in uniform say the decision will lend \"legitimacy\" to the frontline roles they already fill, they say job discrimination pales in comparison to the difficulty of raising a family while serving.
The alcohol screening program is part of a sweeping realignment of personnel and readiness programs in the Department of the Navy.
Rear Adm. Michael Franken has been assigned as the new director of the Energy and Environmental Readiness Division in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. He replaces Rear Adm. Philip Cullom.
The service will rely on several teams of experts to develop these contracts.
The Navy is in the early stages of trying to figure out how to move from a net-centric view of its information systems to one that focuses on the data itself. The service is looking to the experiences of the intelligence community to improve data tagging and data sharing.
In his first interview, Rear Admiral Matthew Klunder told The Federal Drive with Tom Temin how the Naval Research Program works with the other armed services and his research priorities for the Navy.
Navy expects to implement the first network on a fleet destroyer in late 2012.
The Navy has announced it plans to offer early retirements, following a panel\'s decision last year that targeted nearly 3,000 sailors for separation. The Navy\'s temporary early retirement authority will only apply to sailors with 15 years of service, who were not selected for retention by the 2012 Enlistment Retention Board, according to a Navy administrative message laying out official guidance about the early retirements.