When Congress left for recess this month, it left lots of Defense Department questions up in the air. When it returns in September, it will have just a few short weeks before the end of the federal fiscal year.
When Congress abolished the role of chief management officer, it left a void that the Defense Management Institute is trying to help fill.
Danielle Moyer, the executive director of the Army Contracting Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground, said during her first few months on the job, she created a review team to figure out how to shorten the timeline to award contracts.
Gil Cisneros, the Under Secretary of Defense for personnel and readiness, oversaw the creation of the DoD chief diversity officer position and implemented the recommendations from the independent review commission on sexual assault in the military.
Congressional concerns about affirmative action and recruiting problems for the armed services reveals a fault line in how the military should set policies to increase diversity.
It was established in the steam-power and rotary engine era. And it remains relevant in the nuclear and jet propulsion era. The Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) recently marked 100 years in business, and a history of helping U.S. naval forces keep their competitive advantage.
How fit are guardians, the service members in the U.S. Space Force? The Air Force would like to know. So the Air Force Research Lab (AFRL) is running an experiment to find out what information wearable fitness devices might yield.
A series of audits show a need for fiscal reform at DHA, and a failure to follow recommendations for improvement, particularly involving overpaying for goods and services.