DoD is examining how to keep servicemembers' "fires lit" once the military services transition to a mostly peacetime status. Gen. Martin Dempsey said some units will be aligned with a particular region of the world. DoD also will take advantage of advancements in technology to help with training.
The Cybersecurity Technologies Research Lab's goals include building the scientific foundation for cybersecurity research, developing critical relationships and testing solutions in real-world situations.
Lockheed Martin, the federal government's largest contractor landed up to $1.9 billion worth of work Friday in a deal to operate Defense Department networks across the globe.
The service launched a new portal to let civilian workers prepare for retirement, request a retirement estimate and acquire the necessary paperwork to pay a military or civilian deposit.
In this week's edition of On DoD, we hear from two of the agencies that are using suspension and debarment aggressively. The Air Force and the Defense Logistics Agency together processed more than 800 suspensions, debarments, and proposed debarments last year. We hear from Steven Shaw, the Air Force's deputy general counsel for contractor responsibility, and Normand Lussier, DLA's associate general counsel for contracting integrity.
Agencies are making greater use of their ability to declare contractors and individuals ineligible for work by the federal government. Some outside experts suggest the increase may be the result of hasty decisions.
The four acquisition decisions the service will make in the coming months are the first fruits of a task force the Army created to pursue large-scale solar, geothermal, wind, biomass and waste-to-energy facilities on its bases.
VA will offer teleconferencing at Fort Drum, N.Y., Fort Knox, Ky., Rock Island Arsenal, Ill., Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., and Fort Riley, Kans.
The deal will help Northrup broaden its client portfolio amid dwindling defense sales and concerns about sequestration.
Tighter budgets and the threat of sequestration have not discouraged the Defense Department from increasing the size of its acquisition workforce, officials said. DoD is adding 20,000 employees to buy more efficiently.
The program affects soldiers who have more than three years active duty service but less than six years total service.
The Navy is standardizing how it screens and qualifies commanding officer candidates. Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Jonathan Greenert has approved an instruction to create a written qualification program to be shared among all officer communities.
Up to 78 Air Force Academy cadets cheated on an online calculus test by getting help during the exam from a website, the academy said Wednesday.
Janet Wolfenbarger will lead the Air Force Materiel Command, which is a key organization for current and future weapons systems. She promoted the Air Force's "culture of diversity" as the reason for her new rank.
The Air Force Reserve is working on a new policy to allow reservists to carry over earned days of leave from year to year.