According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), it takes about 20 seconds to identify and verify each person’s identity using government databases to determine whether or not the individual is on a watch list or unwelcome on U.S. soil for any reason. That’s not fast enough.
Susie Adams on why she is seeing more and more agencies are now moving to the cloud and how it had enabled government scalability at a moment’s notice.
Tom Keane shares 5 control areas government should require from their Cloud providers and elevate their expectation from industry partners.
Chris Niehaus shares how cloud adoption occurs in three phases and the four things that government should expect from their partner data center providers.
Organizations across the globe are increasingly looking to public cloud – not to reduce infrastructure costs because analyses show cloud is expensive, but to enhance the ability of the business to react more quickly and effectively to the increasingly dynamic marketplace.
Open Season online chat with Walton Francis.
Tune in to FEDtalk this week as host Julie Perkins otalks to FMA’s Todd Wells, Greg Stanford, and Katie Maddocks. February 5, 2016
On this edition of “Disaster Relief for America”, hosts Tim Karney and Tom Moran interview David Gruber, the Texas State Department of State Health Services Assistant Commissioner for Regional and Local Health Services.
What is Enterprise Risk Management? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Doug Webster and Tom Stanton.
The Federal government’s security clearance system is outdated and needs to be replaced, but fixing it is going to take time because the government is still years away from fully developing a continuous evaluation process that can replace today’s once-every-five-years investigations.
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence has had what you might call an excellent year. It's managed to publish a slew of cybersecurity practice guides, working with industry. Donna Dodson, associate director of the information technology lab and chief cybersecurity adviser at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin for a review.
On this edition of “Disaster Relief for America”, hosts Tim Karney and Tom Moran dicuss Sensitive Data Sharing..
This program will provide a progress report on cybersecurity in government.
Whether they're on the football field or the battlefield, the health of people's heads has become a concern of federal health and safety standards officials. Concussions and traumatic brain injuries are a leading cause of long-term health problems of people in danger of impacts to the head. Advanced materials in head gear can mitigate the danger. That's why the National Football League, Under Armour, General Electric and the National Institute of Standards and Technology teamed up in for the Head Health Challenge. Dr. Laurie Locasio, director of the materials measurement lab at NIST, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin to offer some insight.
How is the DATA Act being implemented? What are the requirements of the DATA Act? What are some of the key challenges in implementing the DATA Act? Join host Michael Keegan as he explores these questions and more with Christina Ho, Deputy Assistant Secretary Accounting Policy and Financial Transparency, U.S. Department of the Treasury.