ASMC The Business of Defense

  • The Pentagon is buying a new computerized health records system to be able to better share and merge its data with the Department of Veterans Affairs. But the Associated Press is reporting, "officials cautioned that it was part of a "long-term modernization" effort and would not help ease the current backlog in VA disability claims." Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is ordering DoD to seek bids for development of the new system.

    May 23, 2013
  • Prof. Harry Lambright on Leaders and Leadership - Lessons from Robert Gates, Francis Collins, and NASA Administrators

    May 22, 2013
  • Ms. Angell and Mr. Johnston led an interdepartmental program that reduced veterans homelessness by 12 percent in one year. Susan Angell Executive Director, VA Mark Johnston Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Needs, HUD

    May 22, 2013
  • Mr. Sivak is responsible for helping HHS leadership harness the power of data, technology, and innovation to improve the health and welfare of the nation. Bryan Sivak Chief Technology Officer Department of Health and Human Services

    May 22, 2013
  • This week on AFGE's "Inside Government" Environmental Protection Agency Local 704 member Elizabeth Lytle, a cancer survivor and disabled veteran, discusses the financial and emotional toll of being furloughed. Maryland Citizens Health Initiative President Vincent DeMarco provides an update on Maryland's implementation of the Affordable Care Act while AFGE's Bill Fletcher Jr. discusses his book, "They're Bankrupting Us!: And 20 Other Myths about Unions".

    May 22, 2013
  • Brig. Gen. Bryan T. Roberts, Commanding General, U.S. Army Training Center and Fort Jackson, in Fort Jackson, S.C. has been suspended. The Pentagon says the suspension is due to allegations that include adultery and a physical altercation. Military authorities say the charges are being thoroughly investigated. While the investigation is ongoing, Brig. Gen. Peggy C. Combs, Commandant of the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School, Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., will serve as the interim commander until the investigation is complete and the issue resolved.

    May 22, 2013
  • The Obama administration is denouncing Russia's decision to equip the Syrian government military with anti-ship missiles, saying the weapons would only worsen a war that Washington and Moscow have been promising to work together on stopping. Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, criticized what he called an "unfortunate decision that will embolden the regime and prolong the suffering."

    May 20, 2013
  • Another decade or two, that at least how long Senior Pentagon officials say the U.S. war against Al Qaida and its affiliates will last. Acting General Counsel Robert Taylor and Michael Sheehan, an assistant secretary of defense for special operations, made the point before the Senate Armed Services Committee, while arguing to prevent changes to a law that allows for the broad use of military force in the war against terrorism.

    May 17, 2013
  • Reuters is reporting, "the U.S. government believes a Chinese missile launch this week was the first test of a new interceptor that could be used to destroy a satellite in orbit." They launched a missile on Monday that reached 6,000 miles above the earth, making it the highest suborbital launch seen worldwide since 1976.

    May 17, 2013
  • The U.S. Navy made aviation history on Tuesday by launching an unmanned jet off an aircraft carrier for the first time. Reuters reports, "the bat-winged X-47B stealth drone roared off the USS George H.W. Bush near the coast of Virginia and flew a series of pre-programmed maneuvers around the ship before veering away toward a Naval air station in Maryland where it was scheduled to land."

    May 15, 2013
  • Was Nawaz Sharif just campaigning or was he serious? Pakistan's next Prime Minister, who has held the post twice before and soundly defeated current Prime Minister Asif Ali Zardari in recent elections. criticized the U.S. strongly yesterday, for drone strike against militants, saying it violates Pakistan's sovereignty. But some experts think, now that the election is over, his tone will moderate.

    May 15, 2013
  • Syrian casualties treated in Turkey show signs of being victims of chemical weapons, the Turkish foreign minister said on Friday. Reuters reports, the U.S., "Wary of the false intelligence used to justify the 2003 war in Iraq", wants proof that chemical weapons have been used before taking any action in Syria.

    May 13, 2013
  • Craig Floyd, CEO of the National Law Enforcemetn Officers Memorial Fund, joins host Bill Bransford to talk about this year's National Police Week event. May 10, 2013

    May 10, 2013
  • To get your message to the federal audience, tweet links, use handles, a shortener, and take advantage of free advertising allowed in your profile.

    May 09, 2013