ASMC The Business of Defense

  • Turkey stepped up strikes on a Syrian border town on Thursday, killing several Syrian soldiers, while its parliament approved further military action in the event of another spillover of the Syrian conflict. Reuters says they're "seeking to unwind the most serious cross-border escalation in its 18-month-old crackdown on dissent, Damascus apologized through the United Nations for shelling which killed five civilians in southeast Turkey on Wednesday and said it would not happen again, Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay said."

    October 05, 2012
  • Mr. Goodge is the primary advisor to the MHS Chief Information Officer on all mission, scientific, technical, information technology, and information management issues.

    October 04, 2012
  • Turkey's military struck targets inside Syria yesterday after a bomb went off killing five civilians in a residential area in Turkey close to the border. The Pentagon responded strongly to the activity. Spokesman George Little said in a statement, "This is yet another example of the depraved behavior of the Syrian regime, and why it must go. We regret the loss of life in Turkey, a strong ally, and continue to monitor the situation closely."

    October 04, 2012
  • The following is a full transcript of FedCentral’ s interview with General Harry Raduege Jr. USAF (Ret), Chairman, The Deloitte Center for Cyber Innovation, Deloitte Services LP and Michael Gelles, Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP and…

    October 03, 2012
  • Cybersecurity affects every agency, program and employee, and has become an even greater challenge to manage as global networks become more susceptible to risk. Learn how agency CIO's can develop cyber strategies and support the desired goals to recruit, retain, and develop the cyber workforce amidst the growing talent gap. General Harry Raduege, Chairman, The Deloitte Center for Cyber Innovation, Deloitte Services LP and Michael Gelles, Director, Deloitte Consulting LLP weigh in on this timely discussion for cybersecurity month.

    October 03, 2012
  • "Small teams of special operations forces arrived at American embassies throughout North Africa in the months before militants launched the fiery attack that killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya." The Associated Press reports, "the soldiers' mission: Set up a network that could quickly strike a terrorist target or rescue a hostage. The White House signed off a year ago on the plan to build the new military counterterror task force in the region, and the advance teams have been there for six months."

    October 03, 2012