ASMC The Business of Defense

  • Military leaders warned Congress on Wednesday that steeper cuts in defense spending, as either a policy choice or a consequence of political gridlock, will gut the armed forces and sap U.S. global influence. The AP reports, \"Their predictions of doom, while disputed by some private defense and foreign policy analysts, reflect a consensus Pentagon view that even as the U.S. winds down its military involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan it would be highly risky to national security to make large, across-the-board cuts in spending.\"

    November 14, 2011
  • What are the biggest threats to the U/S? Cyber terrorists and transnational threats are leading the list at this point. Also on the list is money. Slashing the Pentagon budget is forcing top military officials to think about what they can do without. But that\'s not all bad, some say they\'ve been able to focus more carefully on what their true mission is and their personnel have a more clear understanding of what matters most.

    November 14, 2011
  • NATO military convoys in Kabul. How safe are they? Is there anything that can be done to make them safer? Americans living and working in Afghanistan\'s capitol say it\'s not unusual to see the convoys mixed in with regular civilian traffic as they move from place to place. One of the questions being examined is, whether there are are other options for troop and contractor movement around the city. The suicide attack over the weekend, that killed 17 including, 13 Americans has been claimed by the Taliban, with help from the Haqqani network.

    November 14, 2011
  • PassionFood Group\'s chef/partner Jeff Tunks Cookbook author Melissa Clark Bourbon Steak\'s Exec Chef Adam Sobel and Pastry Chef Brent Balika Acqua al Due\'s Ralph Lee Guest host Amanda McClements

    November 14, 2011
  • Gibbs oversees the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene, Human Resources Administration, Administration for Children\'s Services, Homeless Services, Aging, Health and Hospitals Corporation, Correction, Probation, Juvenile Justice, Office of Health Insurance Access, and the HIV Health and Human Services Planning Council.

    November 14, 2011
  • Employees with high levels of work-family conflict, may be negatively impacted by telework, according to a new study.

    November 14, 2011
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" Council of Prison Locals President Dale Deshotel details the danger of not properly staffing and funding the Bureau of Prisons. AFGE local presidents John Garvey, Mike Guerrissi and Vernon Steed shed light on workplace concerns at their respective agencies. Also, we report from Occupy Oakland and AFGE\'s recent rally to support Social Security Administration workers.

    November 10, 2011
  • Darren Ash, deputy executive director of corporate management at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, will talk about how the agency is using youtube and other social media. November 8, 2011

    November 09, 2011
  • Enzo Fargione, chef/owner of Penn quarter\'s new Elisir Restaurant Tiffany MacIssac, Executive pastry Chef, Buzz Bakery and Neighborhood Restaurant Group properties Exec Chef Silvan Kramer/Exec Sous Chef David Fritsche, The Dupont Grille Bar Chef Alex Strange from Shab Row in Frederick, MD

    November 07, 2011