Even long-time teleworkers may have overlooked ways to get more out of their telework zone.
Herb Giobbi, COO of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund and John Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, talk about the service they provide for members of law enforcement. May 6, 2011
May 2nd and May 4th Hear from a varied group of leaders, innovators, practitioners, and thinkers, who offer models to follow, provide insights that infuse theory to practice, and pave the way to shaping the business of government. Our guests will include Vice Admiral Jack Dorsett, Dr. Bobby Braun, Dr. David McClure, Richard Spires, Clarence Carter, and Russ Mills as they discuss public management challenges and innovations.
J. David Cox AFGE National Secretary-Treasurer & Jane Nygaard AFGE 8th District National Vice President & Marilyn Park AFGE Legislative Representative
The burial at sea of terrorist Osama bin Laden raised some eyebrows around the world, but According to the Associated Press, for the U.S. Navy, it\'s a routine exercise. The Navy says it commits to the sea an average of 20 deceased every month - veterans, retirees and other U.S. citizens. Pentagon officials said Monday that bin Laden\'s body was placed in a \"weighted bag.\" An officer made some religious remarks and his body was placed on a flat board and tipped into the sea. The usual Navy burials at sea are similar, though include an honor guard that fires shots into the air and the playing of TAPS. For Americans who request such burials, U.S. vessels take the remains along with them and do the ceremony while the ships are on their scheduled deployments.
May 4, 2011Mitigating insider threat requires a holistic approach that addresses workforce, infrastructure and physical security, cybersecurity, and information access management. Learn about the approaches government is taking to minimize risk.
A new Secretary of Defense. \"I was proud to wear the uniform of our country. And my respect and admiration for our country\'s armed forces has only grown in the decade since,\" said Leon Panetta. Assuming he\'s confirmed, he will succeed Robert Gates as SECDEF in July. Panetta was among four nominated by President Barack Obama to fill key national security positions. \"These are the leaders that I\'ve chosen to help guide us through the difficult days ahead, said Mr Obama.
Today is expected to be the day the White House announces that CIA director Leon Panetta will be nominated to become SECDEF. There is plenty of speculation about why Panetta, as opposed to the man expected to be nominated take his place, General David Petraeus. But the White House has not said anything. Members of Congress have been trying to persuade Panetta to stay in his current position, because of his history of working well with Congress. On the other hand, he may according to some experts bring that same spirit to the Pentagon.
Italy\'s air force, is planning to increase its role in operations in Libya. Italy\'s President decided on Monday that its air force will be allowed to bomb selected military targets in Libya. A statement from Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi\'s office said he had informed U.S. President Barack Obama in a telephone conversation of the government\'s decision and that he would call other European leaders to tell them personally as well.
The Army plans to use video game technology to train soldiers to safely dispose of improvised explosive devices. The Army\'s Picatinny Arsenal in New Jersey has received a patent for a virtualized environment that will train explosives disposal personnel to use robotic vehicles. The simulator is designed to precisely mimic the controls of the Talon robots the Army uses in theater, as well as the environments where IEDs tend to be found, like in sandbags or courtyards. The Army says it gives soldiers a chance to train safely in what would otherwise be a dangerous environment.
NASA and the U.S. Agency for International Development have signed a five-year agreement that will put the space agency\'s data about the earth to work for USAID. The agency plans to use NASA imagery and other geospatial technologies to help developing countries solve challenges around issues like climate change, agriculture, disaster response and energy. The agreement builds on a joint program the two agencies have already been using to help forecast environmental changes that impact residents in Central America, East Africa and the Himalayas.
TRICARE, the military\'s managed healthcare system, is taking a step forward in letting its beneficiaries see their own health records online. The agency\'s \"Blue Button\" tool is getting an upgrade that now lets users see their lab results, patient history and diagnoses. The site already gave TRICARE users the ability to view their own allergy and medication profiles. TRICARE says they developed the system as a partnership with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The system already has more than 250,000 users.
Brian Frayer Assistant Chief Steward, AFGE Local 1401 Lara Shane Vice President of Communications and Research, Partnership for Public Service Bryan Lowry President, AFGE Council of Prison Locals
April 25th and April 27th Edward Dolan is the UFMS Project Executive for the U.S. Marshals Service.