ASMC The Business of Defense

  • After 10 years of war with al-Qaida, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said yesterday it\'s not over and even though Osama BIn Laden has been take out of the picture. He says, the potential for another devastating terrorist assault \"remains very real,\" Those comments came after a visit to ground zero at the World Trade Center. Panetta also visited the Shanksville, Pennsylvania site where United Airlines Flight 93 crashed, after passengers revolted and stormed the cockpit thwarting the hijackers plot to crash the 757 in Washington.

    September 15, 2011
  • The Wikileaks problem is still --a problem. The anti-secrecy group is blaming the Guardian newspaper for exposing a massive archive of un-redacted State Department documents. Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said the reality is \"once WikiLeaks has these documents in its possession, it loses control and information gets out whether they intend (it) to or not.\" WikiLeaks claimed that it had tried to warn the State Department about what was about to happen.

    September 15, 2011
  • If you haven\'t noticed it already, you\'re getting a closer look from police and you enter and move through the subway system and the streets of Washington. Law enforcement have been preparing for the 10th anniversary of the September 11th attacks by increasing their security profiles. That includes airports, train stations, nuclear plants and major sporting arenas. Counterterrorism officials have not indicated there is any credible threat, but they recognize the event is a big target date for terrorists.

    September 15, 2011
  • This week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" Maryland Citizens\' Health Initiative President Vincent DeMarco introduces the \"Enroll America\" organization while AFGE Veterans Affairs Local 2338 President Kevin Ellis outlines a new grassroots mobilization plan. AFGE 5th District National Vice President Everett Kelley and Defense Conference Vice Chair Patty Viers discuss the critical work by civilian Defense Department employees and Veterans Affairs Local 2157 First Vice President Marcia Blaine highlights the VA\'s commitment to top-quality patient care.

    September 14, 2011
  • September 7th, 2011 Can the energy strategy of the Department of Defense potentially reduce costs and stabilize fuel access and security? Hear what our energy specialists General Charles F. Wald and KC Healy have to say.

    September 12, 2011
  • September 12th, September 14th, and September 15th 2011 Robert F. Hale is the principal advisor to Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates on all budgetary and fiscal matters, including the development and execution of the Defense Department\'s annual budget of more than $600 billion.

    September 12, 2011
  • The two groups said they\'d be willing to take a 10 percent cut in pay, or more, if it meant being able to telework, according to a new Mom Corps survey.

    September 11, 2011
  • CISCO Senior Technical Manager John Carney and Senior Solutions Marketing Manager Tim Simon join host Bill Bransford to talk about the how to solve government\'s biggest technology issues. September 9, 2011

    September 09, 2011
  • This Week on AFGE\'s \"Inside Government\" Local 1760 VP Shaun O\'Connell looks back on the impact of 9/11 on New York City. AFGE 14th District NVP Dwight Bowman examines the labor movement\'s use of social media; 6th District NVP Arnold Scott and Local 3448 Labor Management Relations VP Patti Davis-Sato discuss the attack on federal employees.

    September 08, 2011
  • September 5th, September 7th, and September 8th 2011 Join us for a Special Edition of The Business of Government Hour a Conversation with Authors -- exploring national security, power, and intelligence in the 21st century.

    September 07, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel management is promising a completely revamped version of its centralized hiring website by next month. A 3.0 version of the site will launch on October 13, taking the system from a closed, proprietary architecture to one that can integrate with the HR systems of various federal agencies. OPM says that\'ll improve agencies recruiting programs and let them do a better job of communicating with job applicants. USAJobs will be offline for a week in early October while OPM transitions to the new site.

    September 06, 2011
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs has just launched a new portal site that will let the open source software community build on and improve its existing electronic health record system. VA will soon release the source code to its Vista health record system through the Freedom of Information Act on the new site, The Open Source Health Record Agent will act as the custodian for the code, and coordinate any improvements made either by VA developers or by the open source community.

    September 06, 2011
  • Arlington National Cemetery\'s current system of burial records is a hodgepodge of paper index cards, digital data and scanned images. To create the cemetery\'s first unified database, the Army is deploying soldiers equipped with iPhones. They\'re photographing each and every headstone on the cemetery grounds. And analysts are combining those photos with existing records to create Arlington\'s first authoritative data source for burial sites. The first phase of the project is expected to be finished in October.

    September 06, 2011
  • The Defense Information Systems Agency is working to transform the way military members, civilians and contractor users access national security computing systems. Instead of having to administer accounts on various, dispersed systems with millions of separate usernames and passwords, DISA is creating a system of attribute based authentication. It would automatically grant users access based on their secure identity credentials, and their need to get into a particular data system.

    September 06, 2011