ASMC The Business of Defense

  • The Associated Press reports: \"Defense Secretary Robert Gates tried to smooth the worst rift in years with Arab ally and oil producer Saudi Arabia on Wednesday, reassuring the Saudi king that the U.S. remains a steady friend despite support for pro-democracy revolutions in the Middle East. The Saudi king, looking thin after months of medical treatment in the United States and elsewhere, welcomed Gates for what the Pentagon chief later said was a cordial and warm visit.\"

    April 19, 2011
  • So if there were a government shutdown, how would me and women in uniform be paid? Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell said late yesterday the leadership hadn\'t figured that out yet. There are 146,000 service members in Iraq and Afghanistan. He says the Pentagon would continue key national security responsibilities including fighting the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and continuing operations in Libya and earthquake assistance to Japan.

    April 19, 2011
  • Reports about a Third Intifada being organized against Israel apparently were bogus. \"They investigated that Facebook page and they couldn\'t trace it back to any Palestinian individual or organization,\" says Maen Areikat, Representative for the Palestinian Liberation Organization. \"It\'s really interesting to know who is behind it,\" says Areikat. As far as any future Palestinian protests go, he says any future protests, \"continue to be peaceful and not resort to violence.\"

    April 19, 2011
  • Alassane Ouattara\'s, President in waiting in the Ivory Coast has declared an overnight curfew in the main city of Abidjan from now until Sunday. A Ouattara spokesman says the curfew was needed \"for security reasons\" and would run from nine o\'clock in the evening through to six o\'clock in the morning each day. Ouattara is locked in a bitter dispute over the Presidency in that war-torn country with incumbent Laurent Bagbo. Ouattara won the election but has not been able to assume the office.

    April 19, 2011
  • Teleworkers may have the Apple picked for them.

    April 18, 2011
  • Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) Everett Kelley President, AFGE Department of Defense Local 1945 Bob Weiner Former Clinton White House senior spokesman

    April 13, 2011
  • April 21st, 2011 at 11 AM In the midst of challenging economic circumstances, looming budget constraints, and compliance requirements with recent Executive Orders and policy directives, U.S. government agencies are under increased pressure to employ sustainability practices. Understanding the importance of sustainable efficiency in operations and the impact that the use of natural resources has on both our environment and our well-being as a society is paramount. Listen to \"Beyond Green: Making Sustainability Sustainable\" as part of the Booz Allen Hamilton Expert Voices panel series, featuring sustainability experts from across government to learn more.

    April 13, 2011
  • April 11th and 13th, 2011 Deputy Mayor Goldsmith is focused on creating a City government for the 21st Century that is smaller, more efficient, and more cost effective; uses fewer vehicles; consolidates back office functions and reduces redundancies across agencies; shares data, and uses technology to better serve the public.

    April 12, 2011
  • Reducing traffic at Fort Meade relies on telework.

    April 11, 2011
  • Kirke Harper with the Public Employees Roundtable, and Jim Seymour with the Partnership for Public Service, will talk about why the week is so important. April 8, 2011

    April 08, 2011
  • John Gage AFGE National President Dwight Bowman AFGE 14th District National Vice President Dr. Fredrick Snow President, Grantham University

    April 06, 2011
  • The Justice Department is taking information about how agencies are responding to the Freedom of Information Act, and putting it all in one place. is a new web portal that takes each federal agency\'s annual FOIA report, and puts it into an online, customizable, searchable database with colorful charts and graphs. Users can compare one agency\'s FOIA performance to another, see how much each agency spends to comply with the open records law, and how big the backlog of unanswered requests is. It also gives members of the public information help with filing a Freedom of Information Act request.

    April 06, 2011
  • The Department of Veterans Affairs is relying on the promise of technology to meet its goal of eliminating its backlog of claims for disability benefits by 2015. VA Secretary Erik Shinseki says they are hiring more people to process claims, but those new workers don\'t always have the experience to process claims accurately. To bridge that gap, the department is building IT systems that use a rules based engine to automate the results they\'d get from a skilled, veteran claims processor. Their ultimate goal is to automate the claims process entirely, with a 98 percent accuracy rate.

    April 06, 2011
  • The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services are exploring how they can use some of the technology used by credit card companies to cut down on fraud, by stopping improper payments before they happen. The agency plans to use money from the Small Business Jobs bill to test out technology known as predictive modeling. Banks use it to detect transactions that don\'t mesh up with a card holder\'s typical spending patterns. CMS thinks it might be a way to stop improper payments beforehand - rather than chasing down fraud after it\'s already happened.

    April 06, 2011