ASMC The Business of Defense

  • Small businesses interested in exporting now have a new online tool to help them tap into the global marketplace to grow their business. Developed by the U.S. Department of Commerce and the Small Business Administration, Six Steps to Begin Exporting is the latest tool in the National Export Initiative toolbox to help entrepreneurs begin exporting. The six-step process begins with a self-assessment to help potential exporters gauge their readiness to successfully engage in international trade. This joint effort is part of several activities by federal agencies to support President Obama\'s National Export Initiative, which calls for doubling U.S. exports and supporting 2 million jobs over the next five years. So far this year, U.S. exports have increased nearly 18 percent compared to the same period in 2009.

    December 01, 2010
  • The National Museum of the U.S. Air Force has launched an interactive 360-degree virtual tour. Users now have access to lecture series and audio tour podcasts, downloadable maps of the museum and panoramic views. From their computers, history buffs can walk by JFK\'s Air Force One or the Presidential Gallery at the Museum. Users can navigate a virtual map of a little less than half of the museum and view its exhibits through high-definition, panoramic photos. The completed tour will be rolled out in phases in coming months. The first phase is complete and includes interactive capabilities for the Air Park and Memorial Park. When completed, the entire museum will be accessible through 92 high-definition panoramic \"nodes.\" You\'ll find it at:

    December 01, 2010
  • For decades, scientists have been searching for the fundamental biological secrets of how eating less extends a lifespan. It\'s been well documented in species ranging from spiders to monkeys that a diet with consistently fewer calories can dramatically slow the process of aging and improve health in old age. But how such a diet acts at the most basic level to influence metabolism and the decline of tissues and cells has largely remained a mystery. Now, team of scientists from the University of Wisconsin describe a molecular pathway that is a key determinant of the aging process. The study focused on an enzyme known as Sirt-3. The finding not only helps explain the events that contribute to aging, but also provides a rational basis for devising interventions, including drugs that may slow aging.

    December 01, 2010
  • For the first time ever, researchers have been able to trap and store atoms of antimatter. Trapping the antimatter proved to be much more difficult than creating it for an international team of scientists called ALPHA. The atoms consist of a single negatively charged antiproton orbited by a single positively charged electron. While the number of trapped anti-atoms would be far too small to fuel a starship\'s reactor, the advance brings us closer to the day when scientists may be able to make tests that reveal how the physics of antimatter differs from that of the ordinary matter. The ALPHA team routinely makes antihydrogen atoms, but most are too \'hot\' - or, too energetic - to be trapped. They succeeded by using a specially designed magnetic bottle that keeps the antimatter away from the walls of the trap, where they would be destroyed.

    December 01, 2010
  • The Census Bureau has introduced a new, user-friendly Internet tool that takes all the guesswork out of finding, downloading and using data from economic indicators. For the first time, users can access data from several different economic indicators in one place and all in the same format. Bureau official say it provides an easy way to create data tables in text or time series charts in your favorite spreadsheet format. Users can select an indicator and choose data by item, time period and other dimensions using drop-down menus. Of the Census Bureau\'s 12 economic indicators, four are operational in the new tool now - international trade, manufactures\' shipments, monthly wholesale trade and quarterly services. The remainder are expected to be become available throughout the course of 2011.

    December 01, 2010
  • Brazilian police showed off piles of drugs and weapons seized during an aggressive takeover of two of this city\'s most dangerous slums, even as the search continued Tuesday in homes and even sewers for their real target: the drug gang leaders themselves. According to the Associated Press, police conceded that many of the up to 600 drug gang members believed to have been hiding in Vila Cruzeiro and the neighboring Alemao complex of slums may have escaped. The hunt for those that got away extended Tuesday into Rio\'s maze of storm sewers. The tally for a week of gang attacks and police raids included 124 arrested, 148 detained and 51 dead, authorities said in a statement released Tuesday.

    December 01, 2010
  • The Wikileaks documents presents more evidence that Iran is becoming increasingly more isolated not just because of the sanctions aimed strangling it\'s nuclear pursuits, but diplomatically too. The crown prince of the United Arab Emirates said in one of the cables, \"Iran would obtain a nuclear weapon unless the regime could be \'split from inside\' before nuclear capability was achieved.\" That same documented pointed out as well that Iran has a major fear of improving relations with the U.S. because it would threaten the government\'s control over the country.

    December 01, 2010
  • Even though senior NATO and Pentagon officials have expressed doubt that Afghan forces will be ready to take over security for the country in 2014, NATO leaders say thery will move ahead with step one of the plan to do just that. Britan, Canada and other allied countries say they do not want to be in a combat role in 2014 and are beginning to phase out their troops. The U.S. says it will begin it\'s withdrawal from Afghanistan next year.

    December 01, 2010
  • How will the U.S withdrawal from Iraq next year affect security there? Colin Kahl, deputy assistant secretary of defense for the Middle East, told the House Foreign Affairs Committee security remains strong and the pullout at the end of 2011 will not ignite a dramatic increase in violence. Al Qaida, while successful in pulling of several high profile attacks in recent weeks, killing hundreds has not succeeded in ingniting widespread sectarian violence.

    December 01, 2010
  • Telework provides ideas to bring a piece of peace into the office.

    November 29, 2010
  • A very curt message for Defense Secretary Robert Gates yesterday. Bolivian President Evo Morales said Latin American nations will pick their own friends and business partners, including Iran, regardless of U.S. opinion. The remarks came during a welcome ceremony for delegates at a regional defense conference Morales never mentioned Gates. But observers say most of the speech, and all of the applause lines, obviously aimed at Gates.

    November 22, 2010
  • November 29th and December 1st Professor Davenport is the President\'s Chair in Information Technology and Management at Babson College.

    November 22, 2010
  • November 22nd and November 24th RITA\'s mission is to promote transportation research, solid analysis, and education across the different operating agencies within the USDOT.

    November 22, 2010
  • Under all the good telework is expected to bring to government, there are some limitations built into the new law.

    November 22, 2010