ASMC The Business of Defense

  • SPECIAL REBROADCAST! I think about performance every day. How are we performing as a utility? How do we define success across the agency? It\'s really important to define what success means, and then measure it.

    November 01, 2010
  • Faster, smaller, hipper, and even more efficient, teleworkers are morphing into mobile workers.

    November 01, 2010
  • October 27th, 2010 Representative Jim Langevin of Rhode Island and the Honorable Tom Davis discuss the reform of the 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and the pending Congressional Cybersecurity bills.

    October 29, 2010
  • Take down the websites used by extremists. British Minister of Security Pauline Neville-Jones called on the the U.S. to do that during a speech at the Brookings Institution. She also urged the U.S. to do more to stop militant threats without going to war. Neville-Jones pointed about Al Qaeda\'s leaders in Pakistan have shown \"startling resilience\" and their affiliates have both the intent and the capability to strike the West.

    October 29, 2010
  • The remains of two servicemen, missing in action from World War II, including one from Maryland were laid to rest yesterday. Army Air Forces Staff Sgts. Claude G. Tyler of Landover, Md. and Claude A. Ray of Coffeyville, Kan were both 24. Tyler was buried at Arlington National Cemetery, and Ray was buried in Fallbrook, Calif. They took off from an airfield near New Guinea on Oct. 27, 1943. They were to land near the Bismarck Sea, but the craft was lost. In August 2003 a Defense Department team received information on a crash site from a citizen in Papua New Guinea. That led to the identification of Tyler and Ray.

    October 28, 2010
  • USMC recruiters in Chantilly discovered in the early morning hours yesterday that their office had been hit by gunfire overnight while the building was being renovated. The recruiters had been working out of their Sterling, Virginia office. This was the third military facility that had been shot at in the same two week time frame. The Pentagon and the Marine Corp Museum had been hit by gunfire from the same weapon. Authorities in an Illinois suburb are also looking into the stabbing of a Marine recruiter that happened within that time period.

    October 27, 2010
  • Did the cancellation of joint military exercises between the U.S. and S. Korea in the Yellow Sea have anything to do with China. Not according to the Pentagon. A spokesman said the two navies couldn\'t agree on a timetable. He also said the exercises in international water should pose no problems for neither China nor North Korea The South Korean media reported the drills had been cancelled because of complaints from China.

    October 25, 2010
  • When the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency says it\'s ramping up a new Transformer program, they\'re not talking about transferring AC to DC.... They mean transformers, like the toys, turned movie heroes. Only in the case of DARPA, it\'s flying cars. DARPA says their Transformer program will attempt to combine the advantages of ground vehicles and helicopters into a single vehicle. Six vendors will participate in a 12-month effort to develop a robust ground vehicle that can transform into an air vehicle that can take-off and land vertically. It should be able to efficiently travel 250 nautical miles on land and in the air, or any combination, without a dedicated pilot, while carrying up to 1,000 pounds. The benefits to warfighters would be numerous, including better resupply operations and quicker medical evacuations.

    October 25, 2010
  • Through recently developed advanced methods of measuring carbon sequestration, the U.S. Forest Service now estimates 41-point-four billion metric tons of carbon is currently stored in the nation\'s forests, while an additional 192 million metric tons is sequestered each year. They report the increase is due to both increases in the total area of forest land, and in the amount of carbon stored per acre. The new information highlights the important role America\'s forests play in the fight against climate change. The additional carbon sequestered offsets roughly 11-percent of the country\'s industrial greenhouse gas emissions every year. National forests contain an average of 77-point-8 metric tons of carbon per acre: a greater density than on private or other public forest lands, due to differing management priorities in national forest than on private lands.

    October 25, 2010
  • For years, the biggest renewable-energy project in the Air Force was a 140-acre solar array at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada. It produces about 14-point-2 megawatts of electricity annually. Air Force engineers are now set to outdo that project with plans to build three new larger solar arrays by the year 2013.Officials at the Davis Monthan and Luke Air Force Bases in Arizona are planning even larger solar arrays to be constructed, owned, and operated by SunEdison Company. The Davis Monthan project is expected to generate 14-and-a-half megawatts of solar energy, delivering 35-percent of that bases energy needs. Meantime, officials at Luke have teamed up with the Arizona Public Service Company to build a 15-megawatt solar array on 100 acres of under-utilized base property. That project could produce enough energy to satisfy half of the base\'s energy needs, potentially saving up to 10 million dollars on utility bills over the next quarter-century.

    October 25, 2010
  • A team of experts has been pouring over the latest release of documents from wiki leaks. Pentagon spokesman Dave Lapan said they didn\'t reveal anything that hadn\'t already been reported. Most of the material dealt with tactical intelligence and unit level reporting of events and incidents that took place during the Iraq War. What the Pentagon has said is that Iraqis whose names that do appear in the documents are understandably at risk.

    October 25, 2010
  • Telework may well be the wave of the future, but you need to be positioned to catch that wave.

    October 25, 2010
  • October 25th and October 27th Information dominance is about using information and data to prevent conflicts or win in a crisis.

    October 22, 2010
  • The military\'s Missile Defense Agency plan to shoot down a fake ballistic missile of the coast of Central California was not successful. The objective of the mission was for the ALTB to destroy a solid-fuel, short-range ballistic missile while its rocket motors were still thrusting. A news release from the agency says, the Terrier Black Brant target missile was launched successfully, the system acquired and tracked the target, but never transitioned to active tracking.

    October 22, 2010