When it comes to running the government, what does Congress have in common with TV's Homer Simpson? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it rhymes with "D'oh!"
Katie Maddocks with the Federal Managers Association joins host Mike Causey to talk about the chances of a government shutdown, and legislation pending in Congress that would affect federal workers. October 28, 2015
If you really like your teeth and you plan to retire from your government job some day, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some advice for you and your choppers.
More than 70 million federal and Social Security retirees get COLAs from the government, but Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says this year's COLA fails the taste and smell test.
If the boss offered you a tax-deferred, 5 percent pay raise, would you take it? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says a lot of government workers say no.
Maybe we should all find at least one colleague who would agree to give us a courtesy pulse-check at the end of the day.
When or if you make it to retirement, a little advance planning could be worth its weight in gold.
Would you rather be attacked and eaten by a great white shark, a saltwater crocodile or a hungry tiger? It's your call. The you-must-choose game is one my kids played with me when they were younger, and now federal workers get to play — or rather be pawns in — a version of that no-win game every couple of years when shutdowns are on the table.
Federal retirement benefits are not going up in January but it gets worse. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the retirees will start 2016 in the hole.
Attention all overpaid, loafing, red-tape loving bureaucrats, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there's another report about how lousy you are and you're going to love it.
There likely won't be a cost of living adjustment for federal retirees and people who get Social Security. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains why.
You've got a federal Thrift Savings Plan account. The market tanks. What should you do? Senior correspondent Mike Causey says often the best thing to do is nothing.
Financial planner Arthur Stein will talk about the pros and cons of the TSP Lifecycle funds, when he joins host Mike Causey on this week's edition of "Your Turn". October 14, 2015
Imagine if Washington-based politicians had run the first Christopher Columbus expedition. With the “New World” just over the horizon, a fast messenger ship arrives from Spain with startling news — the government has been shut down. The Niña, Pinta and Santa Maria are ordered to drop anchor. And do nothing.
When it comes to federal holidays some are more popular than others. In fact, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says there are two that almost don't exist.