Most federal workers and most federal retirees didn\'t get a pay raise or a cost of living adjustment this year. But for a smaller group of retired feds, a 1.7 percent cost of living adjustment has just kicked in. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says timing is everything.
If you are working today, thanks for being there. We are too. And we like the company. Especially yours. If you are off, that\'s even better. Get some rest or go spend some money somewhere. We\'ll resume the (mostly) bad news tomorrow but for today kick back, relax and check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column.
Thanks to congressional interest in federal retirement benefits, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says membership in the Die At Your Desk Club may soar. So what\'s the deal and what are the proposed changes?
So how do you sell something to Congress and the public? You must make sure that the numbers you present look good...even if they don\'t make sense. Thanks to a sharp-eyed reader, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is now in possession of the magic numbers formula and if you read today\'s column you can save yourself $124.6 billion.
This week\'s show is all about you - the federal employee. What other changes may be in store for feds in 2011 in the wake of the federal pay freeze and the change in Congress? January 12, 2011
If you were going to produce a Hollywood on the Potomac horror movie what would the script look like? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey thought he had produced the perfect chiller until he learned that congress has already beaten him to it.
Are you sick of politicians telling you that you are overpaid, underworked, pampered bureaucrats? If so Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some good news. You may be in for a brief respite from anti-government types. The bad news is that if it happens it won\'t be for long.
With a 2-year pay freeze in place and politicians looking at your job and retirement benefits are you suddenly nervous in the civil service? Given the economic outlook are you ready to pull the plug or hang in there until better times. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is hearing it both ways.
With a 2-year pay freeze in place and politicians looking at your job and retirement benefits are you suddenly nervous in the civil service? Given the economic outlook are you ready to pull the plug or hang in there until better times. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey is hearing it both ways.
Believe it or not, the federal Thrift Savings Plan has more than 100 investors with 7-figure accounts. So, is there a 401k-plan millionaire in the next cubicle...or maybe in your car pool? Mike Causey has the numbers.
If you work for Uncle Sam chances are you know somebody, in fact lots of people, who are investing in the best 401k plan in America. So who is the lucky person? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says look in the mirror, then listen to his Your Turn radio show at 10 a.m. today.
The Thrift Savings Plan, the federal government\'s 401k plan, is heralded by many experts as the best out there. Your Turn host Mike Causey discusses what\'s ahead for the TSP in 2011 with Tom Trabucco, director of external affairs for the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, which runs the TSP. January 5, 2011
In 2009 federal and postal workers, and retirees, had their best year, ever, with Congress and the White House, but 2011 is shaping up to be Titanic collides with Lindsay Lohan time for federal workers. Senior correspondent Mike Causey says to buckle up
If you work in Lansing, Albany, Albuquerque, Charlotte, Harrisburg or Portland, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has some good news for you... and some bad news.
Whether you are working today or taking a brief early-winter break, get ready for 2011. It promises to be an \"interesting\" year. For reasons as to why you should fasten your seat belt, check out Senior Correspondent Mike Causey\'s column today.