Are you one of the many federal workers who are afraid that Congress will change retirement rules? Tune in this week when Federal News Radio Senior Reporter Nicole Ogrysko joins host Mike Causey to talk about some of the proposals pending on Capitol Hill. October 18, 2017
If you were like most people invested in the stock market 10 years ago, you were riding high. Then you were in shock and awe as your retirement nest egg began to melt away.
If you work for or are retired from the federal government, here's a horrible thought: What if these are the good old days, right now, this minute?
Federal retirees can't run out of money in retirement, but they can lose buying power big-time the longer they stay retired.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says TSP millionaires all did the same thing: invest regularly, don't panic when the market hiccups and stay the course.
Are you worried about what happens when the long overdue stock market correction hits? Do you remember the dark, scary years of the Great Recession?
Are you concerned about how a long-over due stock market correction would affect your TSP accounts? Tune in to this week's Your Turn when financial planner Arthur Stein explains what you can do to protect your retirement nest egg. October 11, 2017
Despite dire news regarding their pay and pension plan, there may be light at the end of the tunnel for feds, if they choose to flex their political muscle.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, are you among the many who don't have to work today, or the few holding down the fort?
Health premiums for folks covered by the Affordable Care Act will jump 50-to-57 percent next year, but federal workers and retirees get a pass.
The 2018 federal health premiums are out and overall premiums are going up an average of 6 percent.
The Senate may consider raising the value of all federal buyouts from $25,000 to $40,000, though it's unlikely to happen this year.
Will the U.S. Senate raise the value of all federal buyouts? Find out this week when Greg Stanford, legislative director of the Federal Managers Association, joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn. October 4, 2017
When Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke used the L-word and said 30,000 of his employees aren't loyal or aren't saluting the flag, he made headlines and hit a lot of nerves.
Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says that if health premiums jump as expected, folks will have to shop for a lower-cost plan, regardless of a pay raise and COLA.