The DorobekInsider has learned that the General Services Administration this afternoon will name Michael Robertson, who currently serves as GSA’s White House liaison, as the associate administrator of GSA’s Office of Governmentwide Policy and the…
The Pentagon\'s chief information officer is conducting an agency-wide review of the use of popular social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Officials are trying to balance the benefits of allowing the use of social networking on recruiting, public affairs and troop morale, against the potential security risks. Defense Secretary Gates gets a report on ‘web 2.0\' at the end of this month, and department-wide policy is expected out in late September.
Yes, I’ve been going on and on and on about the fifth meeting of the Federal News Radio Book Club, talking about the book Payback: Reaping the Rewards of Innovation by James P. Andrew and…
ID management can sound, well, boring. But there is something of a transition going on with government identity management — shifting more from getting HSPD-12 cards out to people to now focusing on what you…
FederalNewsRadio has been following the development of the Obama administration’s open government and transparency initiative. The federal government used an innovative way of reaching out to include the public in the development of that policy…
The U.S. Army has picked two firms -- Clark Energy Group of Bethesda, and Acciona Solar Power of Henderson, Nevada -- to help develop and build the largest solar power array in the Department of Defense. It will be built at Fort Irwin, in California\'s Mojave Desert. When complete, the solar farm will generate 500 megawatts using photovoltaic cells, and solar concentrators, which turns the heat of the sun into electricity.
The goat is traditionally the mascot of the U.S. Navy. But at Camp Williams in Utah, the Army National Guard is putting goats to work as fire protection officers. Since 1999, the Utah Guard has enlisted more than 12-hundred goats and sheep to consume sagebrush and oak brush that usually become fuel for wildfires. Goat-created firebreaks stopped big fires from spreading in 2001, and 2006.
We have been telling you about the the Recovery and Transparency Board and the General Services Administration, which acted as the Recovery Board’s acquisition team, $9.5 million contact award to Smartronix for the next generation…
We’ve told you about a leaked draft report from the Government Accountability Office, which says that the government moved too quickly on establishing a bio-hazard lab in Kansas. Now, the full report has been released.…
I mentioned that I was over the Britain for the past few days celebrating my sister’s birthday. (My mother was able to rent this remarkable place designed by famous British architect Sir Edwin Lutyens, who…
July 30th, 2009 at 11:00 AM BIG Experience co-host: Mr. Al Tyree, Blacks In Government National Communication and Public Relations Chair Person, will host Shirley Jones, as guest this Thursday at 11:00am. Join us as we discuss with Shirley, the Legal Review Committee for our National Organization of Blacks In Government (BIG).
By Max Cacas FederalNewsRadio The National Transportation Safety Board now has a new chairman. Earlier today, the NTSB, which is the independent Federal agency tasked with investigating transportation accidents, issued the oath of office to…
The post-9/11 GI Bill takes effect on August first, but service members should know that NOW is the time to put in that request to transfer their benefits to spouses and children. Pentagon officials say its one of the most popular aspects of the GI Bill. Experts say its smart to transfer at least a month of benefits to each dependent before your hitch is up, so you can make adjustments later. Once you leave the service, you can\'t make such a change.
In 2047, the 100th anniversary of the U.S. Air Force, there\'s a good chance that unmanned aircraft will play a bigger role than ever. Officials say the \"Unmanned Aircraft Systems Flight Plan\" recognizes that pilots on the ground still operate the U-A-Vs, as they\'re called. The advantage is that they can fly over fixed positions for long periods of time, something you can\'t do when a human being is in the plane.