The FBI has a new chief information officer. Bureau director Robert Mueller today announced Chad Fulgham as the new CIO, taking over for Zal Azmi, who left the FBI in October. Azmi now works for…
Document addresses safeguarding personal information
Section 508. Not everyone’s a fan, but it’s important. Federal Web site editors and content managers are facing a new challenge, though. They have to make sure that Web 2.0 tools are Section 508 compliant…
FederalNewsRadio has been Tracking the Transition — and following the money. Today, the Council for Excellence in Government released the Federal CFO Roadmap to give current and in-coming CFO’s insights about the job, the duties…
Common mistakes hope to be avoided by setting tone early
The Treasury Department has committed $125 billion so far to the Capital Purchase Program part of the financial rescue plan. Neel Kashkari, the Treasury’s interim assistant secretary for financial stability, today said the department submitted…
We’ve been telling you about the FederalNewsRadio Book Club and how you can get involved. The first book that we’ve selected is called The Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey. The person who suggested…
We’ve been hearing a lot about transparency lately, but it seems just about everybody has a different definition of what transparency is. To make matters even more complex — why does it matter in the…
The country knows who the next president will be, but President Bush is still in office, and his administration is trying to push through a number of environmental regulations before it leaves. Rick Melberth is…
Federal management to remain priority in next administration
OMB says those who missed it must have corrective plans
Why the federal government needs to get back on the ball when it comes to fostering abstract thought.