On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss democrat and republican plans to spur job growth, and why some companies are lagging behind in implementing the cybersecurity framework. January 16, 2014
With the unveiling of the bipartisan spending bill this week, federal agencies are getting a clearer picture of how much funding they'll get for the rest of the fiscal year. Track which agencies will see sizable increases or which will be getting the short end of the stick.
Frank Kendall, the undersecretary of Defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said while the budget agreement adds money back to DoD's overall spending capacity in 2014 and 2015, the deal still doesn't plug holes in the Pentagon's research funding. Kendall estimated R&D funding will drop by as much as 20 percent compared to the department's initial requests.
Host Mike Causey will discuss the status and duties of federal managers in 2014, with Pat Niehaus, president of the Federal Managers Association. He'll also discuss the budget situation with Federal Times writers Sean Reilly and Nicole Blake Johnson. January 15, 2014
Gordon Adams, professor of International Relations at American University, distinguished fellow at the Stimson Center and former associate director for National Security and International Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget joins host Francis Rose.
Steve Schooner, Nash & Cibinic Professor of Government Procurement Law at The George Washington University Law School, provides his "Year in Review" highlighting key trends, events and personalities (legacies) of 2013. January 14, 2014
Shunning the turmoil of recent budget clashes, Congress is ready to approve a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill for this year, a compromise financing everything from airports to war costs and brimming with victories and setbacks for both parties.
After a month of negotiations, the leaders of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees unveiled a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill this week funding the government for the remainder of fiscal 2014. From federal pay and benefits to a further decline in the Internal Revenue Service's budget, read about three key takeaways of the bill.
The $1 trillion, 1,500-page spending bill unveilved Monday night ends the three-year pay freeze for blue-collar federal employees under the wage-grade system.
Republican leaders plan to pass a short-term funding bill this week to extend by three days the deadline for wrapping up a massive, $1 trillion-plus catch-all spending bill covering funding for the rest of the year. The short-term measure would give lawmakers until midnight next Saturday to pass the larger funding bill. The current stopgap funding bill expires at midnight on Wednesday.
In an annual report to Congress, the National Taxpayer Advocate, Nina Olson, wrote that the IRS faces "unstable and chronic underfunding that puts at risk the IRS's ability to meet its current responsibilities, much less articulate and achieve the necessary transformation to an effective, modern tax agency."
On this week's Capital Impact show, Bloomberg Government analysts will discuss what's ahead for Congress in 2014, and the potential impact of the contract compensation cap. January 9, 2014
Army's top uniformed official said the Ryan-Murray budget agreement is a partial remedy to the difficulties the Army has had in training and equipping its troops. But undoing the damage of sequestration will take at least another six years.
Jack Midgley, a director in Deloitte's Global Defense Consulting practice will discuss the findings in the company's recent report on defense spending. January 7, 2014
A new bill would repeal reductions in military pensions approved by Congress late last month as part of the bipartisan budget deal and allow the U.S. Postal Service to reduce regular mail delivery to five days a week. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, introduced the legislation Dec. 19, shortly before Congress decamped for the holidays.