
  • The White House and congressional Republicans on Tuesday signaled a new willingness to work together to reach a long-term budget deal. We get the latest from The Hill\'s Erik Wasson.

    April 20, 2011
  • Rep. Jim Moran (D-Va.) sees a perfect storm in the future for federal employees and anyone else trying to commute through his district as a result of BRAC. He tells Federal News Radio he\'s at his wits\' end trying to avert a traffic disaster.

    April 20, 2011
  • Even in a year in which the Stuxnet attack targeted critical infrastructure systems and attacks on grid operators rose dramatically, operators of critical infrastructure around the world took few steps to increase their cyber defenses, a new report found.

    April 20, 2011
  • The chairman of the subcommittee on federal financial management said legislation may be needed to ensure agency accounting procedures are focusing on stopping improper payments. He said progress across the government is good, but more tools are necessary. OMB is testing the Do Not Pay List and plans to launch the full portal in 2012.

    April 20, 2011
  • The agency IG wrote a letter to the attorneys for Adair Martinez saying they overstated or misstated the facts about their investigation. George Opfer said his investigators followed protocol during discovery of the allegations of fraud and misconduct by Martinez in their August 2009 report. The MSPB ruled earlier this month that Martinez didn\'t receive due process and was wrongfully terminated.

    April 20, 2011
  • April 18th and April 20th, 2011 Under Dr. Childs\' leadership, the college has become the international leader in providing graduate-level educational services and learning experiences.

    April 19, 2011
  • James Carafano, director of the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies at the Heritage Foundation, discusses the possible DoD cuts.

    April 19, 2011
  • The Office of Personnel Management has produced guidelines for implementing a policy for telework. The guide outlines expectations of teleworkers and reminds agencies of the June 7 deadline to finalize their policies.

    April 19, 2011
  • President Obama said the Defense Department must continue to cut wasteful spending from its budget for the country to reach fiscal health. At the same time, the country must continue to invest in energy, science and technology, he said.

    April 19, 2011
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. \"How much bandwidth is needed for field offices to meet their agency missions?\" The answer? It depends on your mission and your network one size does not fit all. Too little at some sites may mean you can\'t run critical bandwidth-hungry applications. Too much at others means you\'re wasting tax dollars. You need to tailor bandwidth requirements at each location to ensure your network achieves your agency\'s mission. Only Hughes national managed broadband service delivers bandwidth tailored-to-fit at every site, affordably to quickly access voice, video and data for daily operations, or to reach your agency\'s cloud. Hughes technology includes built in WAN Optimization, ensuring high quality voice and data traffic is delivered on-time, and with optimal bandwidth efficiency. Enable your government field office of the future today from Hughes.

    April 19, 2011
  • More hiring freezes may be on the way, which means get the job done NOW, according to John Palguta with the Partnership for Public Service

    April 19, 2011
  • We learn just what the Congressional Budget Office is going through during the continuing budget battles on Capitol Hill from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities\' Paul Van de Water.

    April 19, 2011
  • The administration plans on cutting 100 data centers this year and 700 more by 2015. Bob Otto of Agilex Technologies says this is an attainable goal and offers tips for agencies in the process.

    April 18, 2011
  • There\'s a lesson in the budget for the forthcoming battle over lifting the debt ceiling.

    April 18, 2011
  • The Federal Broadband Minute, provided by Hughes. If your agency\'s communications network was tailored to your needs, what would it look like? Would your small and medium-sized field offices connect to the cloud and run applications with optimal bandwidth efficiency? Would your ideal network be cost effective, and able to leverage the benefits of GSA programs? Would it provide path-diverse communications that support COOP for the same price as your primary network service? And with your network, would you have confidence in secure connectivity, especially for teleworkers? Say yes to all these questions and meet the government field office of the future today from Hughes. With decades of experience and a comprehensive suite of solutions and partners, Hughes is able to deliver agencies a powerful, national managed broadband service providing voice, video, and data where, when, and how you need it.

    April 18, 2011