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Rob Carey is transitioning out of the CIO role and into more of an operational position where he will focus on cyber strategy and policy for all Navy networks.
The U.S. Government Printing Office has joined a worldwide digital preservation alliance to collaborate with organizations on preservation initiatives. Acting Superintendent of Documents, Ric Davis, explains how it will work.
President Barack Obama\'s pick to lead the Coast Guard proposed major cuts to the agency\'s counterterrorism mission. You can imagine how that\'s being received. Commandant Robert Papp explains.
Defense Secretary Robert Gates said Monday he wants to trim some of the billions of dollars the Pentagon spends on weapons systems and contractor services, part of a Pentagon-wide effort to find $100 billion in savings in the next five years. Todd Harrison with the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments has suggestions for starting points.
Auditors looked at 117 employee conversations to career positions from political ones and found most followed the rules. OPM is reviewing five of the seven that GAO determined to be improper.
A new Inspector General audit finds FEMA failed to resolve some ongoing weaknesses. Inspectors also found a host of new vulnerabilities around cybersecurity and data backup.
As agencies try to hire hundreds of trained cybersecurity experts in the coming years, there are questions about whether that need can be met. Some observers wonder whether there really are enough cybersecurity workers.
White House says it will review programs that are in the most trouble, and terminate them if neccessary.
Specifically, the protection that Public Company Accounting Oversight Board members receive has been ruled unconstitutional.
Undersecretary Carter says vendors providing services and weapons systems must figure out how to do more with less. He says DoD will create a preferred supplier program.
This week, host Ruben Gomez talks with Tony Placido, Chief of Intelligence at the DEA. July 8, 2010
Competitive hiring for government jobs leaves recent college graduates behind. The Partnership for Public Service\'s John Palguta says it doesn\'t have to be that way. He explains.