
  • Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has announced 27 awards today to local organizations to build community food systems and fight hunger and food insecurity. USDA\'s Liz Tuckermanty tells Federal News Radio about how they create food security for millions of people.

    November 10, 2010
  • A new of 201 government leaders asked participants to rate the importance of energy efficiency within their agencies, rate the agencies\' ability to comply with federal energy efficiency requirements, identify obstacles to that compliance and identify attitudes towards energy efficiency within the agency. Schneider Electric\'s Jim Plourde has details.

    November 10, 2010
  • The data delivery represents the pinnacle of a six-year technology program as part of the Decennial Response Integration System (DRIS) contract being performed on schedule and under budget.

    November 10, 2010
  • A newly-issued White House mandate provides new guidance for handling sensitive agency documents. Experts are giving it positive reviews so far. The new directive supersedes a similar order issued by the Bush administration, which critics say created a chaotic tangle of incompatible agency document classifications.

    November 10, 2010
  • The Gulf Coast oil spill is prompting many agencies to take a second -- and often a third -- look at how they handle communications in a crisis.

    November 09, 2010
  • Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman-in-waiting for the House Oversight Committee, said he will expand oversight of government.

    November 09, 2010
  • Washingtonian reporter Shane Harris joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss his in-depth report on the 10-year saga of the Air Force to replace its tankers.

    November 09, 2010
  • Reuters reports that Undersecretary Ashton Carter, the Pentagon\'s head of acquisition, told industry officials that politics, the sluggish economy, and the size of the deficit might affect funding in the near future.

    November 09, 2010
  • Tom Shoop of GovExec joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the qualifications of the potential position.

    November 09, 2010
  • The general spent more than 37 years in the service, including the last three as CIO. Mike Kreiger will be the acting CIO in the interim. Sorenson led several enterprise initiatives including moving the Army\'s e-mail system to DISA.

    November 09, 2010
  • Washington Post\'s Tom Fox tells managers how to manage feds amidst talks of pay cuts, hiring freezes and furloughs.

    November 09, 2010
  • Mashable reports on how the HR field can use social media to its advantage.

    November 09, 2010
  • North Korean Cabinet Premier Choe Yong-rim is visiting northeastern China to step up joint economic projects, according to unnamed diplomatic sources. Choe\'s trip is the third high level visit to China related to North Korean manufacturing enterprises. Cumulatively, the reports indicate North Korea and China have reached an agreement about conducting an experiment in North Korean capitalism in northeastern China. If such an experiment is in progress and makes a profit, it could lead to Chinese-style economic changes in North Korea, the world\'s last \"Stalinist\" system.

    November 09, 2010
  • The FCC held its first \"Open Developer Day\" yesterday, bringing together web developers from the public and private sectors. Chief datd officer at the FCC, Greg Elin, shares the results with Federal News Radio.

    November 09, 2010