
  • OPM hosted a standing-room only training session to help agencies understand what the Executive Order to hire more people with disabilities calls for. OPM is developing new tools including a database of potentially qualified applicants and online training to help agencies bring more people with disabilities into the government.

    November 01, 2010
  • Bob Tompkins, Partner, Patton Boggs joins host Larry Allen to discuss federal contracting opportunities for small businesses. November 2, 2010

    November 01, 2010
  • A look into the 12 year modernization project at the IRS.

    November 01, 2010
  • Andrew Krzmarzick writes in the GovLoop blog about how collaboration tools have changed the way that workers learn.

    November 01, 2010
  • Quy Huy and Andrew Shipilov of business school INSEAD write in the Harvard Business Review that their studies found that social media use and community development should come from within an organization and not outsourced.

    November 01, 2010
  • A pair of memos requires facilities worldwide to improve how they construct buildings to be more green and to use different light bulbs. The goal is to conserve energy, be environmentally responsible, and save taxpayer dollars.

    November 01, 2010
  • Indian authorities are concerned that militant Kashmiri separatists could launch attacks during President Obama\'s upcoming visit in order to draw the world\'s attention to the region. India is on alert to prevent attacks like the incident in which militants in Kashmir killed 35 people in 2000 during then-U.S. President Clinton\'s visit. A study conducted a few years ago showed that in the past 10 years, almost every time a US or UK senior official visited India or Pakistan, the Kashmiri militants tried to execute a sensational attack intended to raise awareness about their complaints; however it has always backfired by showing the militants to be terrorists and criminals.

    November 01, 2010
  • The Army Reserve is breaking ground Monday on an 88,000 square-foot headquarters at Fort Belvoir Monday. The new $19 million facility will accommodate more than 400 workers who now occupy leased space in Crystal City.

    October 31, 2010
  • The GSA Office of Small Business Utilization has turned to a small business for help understanding small business needs. Federal News Radio speaks with Jiyoung Park, GSA Associate Administrator for Small Business Utilization.November 2, 2010

    October 29, 2010
  • HUD hired Compusearch under a $4 million deal to improve the procurement business processes and integrate data with other HUD systems.

    October 29, 2010
  • October 27th, 2010 Representative Jim Langevin of Rhode Island and the Honorable Tom Davis discuss the reform of the 2002 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) and the pending Congressional Cybersecurity bills.

    October 29, 2010
  • Roger Waldron discusses his agenda as new president of the Coalition for Government Procurement.

    October 29, 2010
  • Politico reports that contractors are preparing for bad news to business after the elections.

    October 29, 2010
  • Howard K. Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator for the U.S. Energy Information Administration, discusses the agency\'s mission and its current hiring initiatives. October 29, 2010

    October 29, 2010