
  • The Department of Education is taking a taking a leadership role in the work of educating the next generation of green citizens

    October 07, 2010
  • The protest by U.S. Aerospace and its partner, Ukrainian aircraft-maker Antonov has been denied.

    October 07, 2010
  • Council on Environmental Quality issues new guidance giving agencies instructions to measure greenhouse gas emissions. Council chair Nancy Sutley said the directive includes approaches used inside and out of government. Agencies have until January 2011 to complete an initial baseline inventory.

    October 07, 2010
  • With the majority of federal employees located outside of the Washington, D.C. metro area, how are feds in regional offices answering the White House\'s mandates regarding the greening of government? The answer: the Federal Executive Boards organized groups of executives who find ways to collaborate across agency lines.

    October 07, 2010
  • The Air National Guard\'s new Readiness Center at Andrews Air Force Base is a great example of how technology can lower energy costs while also lowering the impact on the environment. Galen Jamison, project manager with CH2M Hill, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the construction of the center.

    October 06, 2010
  • The White House Council on Environmental Quality on Wednesday issued guidance detailing how departments should go about developing a baseline measurement for greenhouse gas emissions. Nancy Sutley, chairwoman of the council, spoke with Federal News Radio\'s Jason Miller about how the guidance will help agencies achieve this goal.

    October 06, 2010
  • Military vehicles patrolled the streets of Quito, the capital of Ecuador, over the weekend, but there have been no further protests since last week when army commandos rescued US-educated President Correa. Correa has embellished his rescue by accusing the police of attempting a coup. Correa is milking the crisis as a victim; he was in danger from an escalating street encounter that he provoked, which got out of control. The police had guns, a complaint about pay cuts, mobility, and an opportunity, but they had no plan - otherwise Correa would be dead. The police had Quito in their grasp, but no one took charge of the mutiny to convert it into a coup. There was no coup attempt.

    October 06, 2010
  • Bill Gormley, the President and CEO of the Washington Management Group, which owns FedSources, joined the DorobekINSIDER to discuss the changes to how the contracting community will get information.

    October 06, 2010
  • The General Services Administration and Metropolis Magazine have teamed up to offer $10,000 for a winning design that will make a 45-year-old GSA building more green. Susan Szenasy, the editor-in-chief of Metropolis Magazine, discusses the competition.

    October 06, 2010
  • American University Director of Sustainability Chris O\'Brien analyzes the Federal News Radio \"Greening the Government\" survey.

    October 06, 2010
  • The Defense Department website gets a face lift.

    October 06, 2010
  • Organizers of a new, conservative initiative are issuing a fact sheet Wednesday that argues against any cuts in defense spending, Politico reports.

    October 06, 2010
  • GTSI said it will fight its suspension by SBA, but it face an uphill battle, Government Technology reports.

    October 06, 2010
  • SSA Commissioner Michael Astrue has taken extra funding, both from Congress\' annual appropriations and from the Recovery Act, and invested in staffing and technology to fight the case backlog, Government Executive reports.

    October 06, 2010