
  • The services are spending $31 million more every time oil prices increased $1 a barrel. The unexpected increase in costs is forcing the Pentagon to take even a deeper dive to find areas to save or avoid spending on in both the short and long term. DoD sees improved acquisitions as a major area for further potential spending reductions.

    March 09, 2012
  • Department of Defense officials told Congress that if they can\'t close military bases, they\'ll have to take more money out of forces, training and modernization.

    March 09, 2012
  • The Veterans Affairs Department announced in January plans to to move electronic health records under its Veterans Health Information Systems and Technology Architecture (VistA) to data centers managed by the Defense Information System Agency. VA Chief Information Officer Roger Baker said it the co-location of systems on DISA\'s servers was a \'logical move.\'

    March 08, 2012
  • Russia\'s accusing Libya of running a training center for Syrian rebels and arming the fighters in their battle to overthrow the country\'s President Bashar al-Assad. Russia\'s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, told the U.N. Security Council, \"We have received information that in Libya, with the support of the authorities, there is a special training center for the Syrian revolutionaries and people are sent to Syria to attack the legal government.\"

    March 08, 2012
  • Vice Admiral Philip Cullom is the deputy chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics at the Navy.

    March 08, 2012
  • The Senate Budget Committee examined the FY 2013 budget request for the Defense Department Tuesday. Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said providing funding for national security is the \"single most important responsibility\" of lawmakers and the government. Three expert witnesses also testified.

    March 07, 2012
  • The military is laying the groundwork for a more diverse officer corps, officials told a congressional panel Tuesday. The Defense Department and military services have tackled most of the recommendations that a congressional commission made a year ago. But, recent hazing incidents suggest that the leaders\' focus on diversity hasn\'t trickled down through the ranks.

    March 07, 2012
  • An interagency group of senior officials will brief Senate lawmakers today on what would be the response if the nation\'s critical infrastructure suffered a cyber attack. The meetings come as Senate lawmakers debate two cyber bills that try to address critical infrastructure protection.

    March 07, 2012
  • Don Adcock, executive director of the Army Information Technology Agency, tells Federal News Radio\'s Jared Serbu about how the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks forced the Pentagon to start consolidating data centers long before the topic was on most agencies\' radar screens.

    March 07, 2012
  • Al Qaida is claiming it attacked a U.S. intelligence officer after U.S. soldiers were sent to the country. A statement posted on the al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula website said the attack happened last week in the southern city of Aden. The Pentagon confirms the attack but is disputing the group\'s claim that the officer was killed. The identify of the person attacked has not been made public.

    March 07, 2012
  • Eight current and former members of the U.S. military allege in a new federal lawsuit that they were raped, assaulted or harassed during their service and suffered retaliation when they reported it to their superiors.

    March 07, 2012
  • Pat Tamburrino has been reassigned to be the chief of staff for the acting undersecretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. He has led several initiatives including moving out of the NSPS and improving the speed of Defense hiring.

    March 07, 2012
  • The Air Force is right-sizing everything down to its musical bands as it tries to meet force reduction goals of its 2013 budget.

    March 07, 2012
  • The Army is preparing a new generation of communication devices to connect soldiers in combat. A major component of the new Capability Set 13 is the Rifleman Radio, which has been completely redesigned to include improvements in size, weight, battery life and enhanced radio frequency. Col. John Zavarelli, the program manager for the Joint Program Executive Office Handheld Manpack Small, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the Rifleman Radio and the JTRS program.

    March 06, 2012
  • A Pentagon spokesman says the military\'s network will continue to air Rush Limbaugh\'s radio program. According to the Associate Press, George Little says the American Forces Network offers a wide range of programming to reflect listeners\' interests and he is unaware of any plans to review that decision. Limbaugh has come under fire for an outburst on his radio program last week when he called a 30-year-old law student a \"slut\" after she testified before Congress about birth control policies. He has since apologized.

    March 06, 2012