Andrew Krepinevich is the president and CEO at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.
Mike McCord, principal deputy undersecretary and comptroller for DoD, says that Defense is focusing on making mandated cuts while waiting for Congress to pass 2012 appropriations bill.
Offensive action in cyber space would be carried out under orders of the president as commander-in-chief.
Armed Forces Health Surveillance Center study says that longer stretches at home make it harder for servicemen to transition back to war zone.
Progress has been made in better recruiting and training the acquisition workforce, but budget cuts could threaten years of progress, outgoing OFPP administrator Dan Gordon said at a House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday.
The Android operating system developed by Google is expected to win approval for use on military networks by April.
Kelly O\'Connor, president of Efiia Cares, shares details of the program.
Evan Lesser is managing director of
The Defense Information Systems Agency\'s website had been offline since Saturday. Agency officials blamed a hardware problem.
Congress crafted a partial measure to fund some agencies through fiscal year 2012 and extend a continuing resolution for others. Erik Wasson of The Hill acknowledges that the current budget process has been the most complicated he\'s seen.
VA\'s expert on that front is Glenn Haggstrom, the executive director of the department\'s Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction. joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris from the 2011 Government Contract Management Conference with his perspective on acquisition.
The Associated Press reports that the House is expected to overwhelming support a bill that would help unemployed vets and government contractors. The Senate has already passed the bill.
The Morning Federal Newscast is a daily compilation of the stories you hear Federal Drive hosts Tom Temin and Amy Morris discuss throughout the show each day. The Newscast is designed to give users more information about the stories you hear on the air.
The Chief Human Capital Officers Council will hold speed matchmaking sessions each quarter starting in 2012 to pair up mentors and those who are looking for such support. Kathryn Medina, the executive director of the CHCO Council, said the success of the first speed mentoring session earlier this year presented an opportunity to address a long-standing need.
The Defense Department said it intends to not just rebuild its acquisition workforce in numbers, but also make sure those employees have access to new tools that will give them the insight they need to make good decisions.