The Department of Health and Human Services wants more people to access their own medical records online. The Department of Veterans Affairs, the Department of Defense and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services already have successful programs in place. They use a \"blue button\" feature that lets patients download their data.
A new Government Accountability Office report said the success of using National Guard troops to shore up gaps in Border Patrol personnel will depend on how the troops are deployed.
Thomas Vajentic, the chief of the Army Materiel Command\'s transformation team and its BRAC program manager, told Federal News Radio the painstaking preparation made by AMC employees and the Huntsville community allowed the command to continue work in its new location \"without missing a beat.\"
Rep. Buck McKeon (R-Calif.) says the cuts that will occur automatically if lawmakers can\'t agree on cuts to reduce the deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next 10 years will fall heavily on the Defense Department.
Maj. Gen. Dave Harris, the director of domestic operations for the National Guard Bureau, joined the Federal Drive to discuss how the National Guard deployed and supported the work of first-responders during Hurricane Irene.
Horace Morris lost his wife of 25 years in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the Pentagon. Odessa Morris was a DoD financial analyst and a career federal employee.
Defense contractors say they are victims of ongoing foreign cyber attacks, and if they don\'t die down soon they may need help from the government.
Army Col. Todd Key joined the Federal Drive to discuss how the military mission was galvanized after 9/11 as part of Federal News Radio\'s ongoing coverage of \"9/11: A Government Changed.\"
Department of Navy CIO Terry Halvorsen said business systems and infrastructure are two main areas to reduce the cost of the service\'s technology. September 8, 2011
The Navy and Army told the House Armed Services Committee they were on track to meet the 2017 deadline to have clean financial audit. The Army Corps of Engineers already achieved the goal and the Marine Corps is well on its way as well.
The new Mark Center building set to house thousands of defense workers could be highly vulnerable to a truck bomb attack, according to a leaked Pentagon study obtained by Time magazine.
Gen. Raymond Odierno has been sworn in as the new Army chief of staff. At the ceremony, he said the United States must avoid rash decisions such as slashing the size of the Army in order to rein in the defense budget.
The White House, Defense Department, NASA and federal procurement experts have formed a working group to tackle the problem of counterfeit goods in the government\'s supply chain. The Justice Department has convicted military suppliers of selling phony parts that were used in military equipment used in Fallujah, Iraq. The group will make recommendations to President Barack Obama by the end of the year.
Panetta says the attacks a decade ago have in some ways strengthened the United States at home and abroad.
Ed Meagher, a former Interior Department CIO and deputy CIO and Chief Technology Officer at VA, explains why he supports VisTA\'s move to open source.