
  • Who are the feds who have $1 million or more in their Thrift Savings Plans? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says it could be that person sitting next to you in your carpool.

    April 14, 2015
  • Having a $1 million nest egg is something that a lot of federal and postal workers have learned is possible through investing smartly in their Thrift Savings Plan accounts. A growing number of them (4,167 to be precise) now have million-dollar-plus account balances, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    April 13, 2015
  • Being a fed is like living in a nudist colony at the base of a dormant but still active volcano. Or being in an all-glass group house. The scenery is great, but you never know who or what\'s out there, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    April 10, 2015
  • There are a lot of proposals floating around Washington that purport to be solely for cost savings or making government more efficient. Jeff Neal, a former chief human capital officer, examines these claims in a new commentary.

    April 09, 2015
  • Whether you are about to turn 24 or are one of the many feds still working into their 80s, you have a stake in the next generation of civil servants, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    April 09, 2015
  • Susan Fallon, vice president for Global Strategy and Business Development at Monster Government Solutions will explain why federal agencies should be hiring more millennial workers, and Andy Medici with the Federal Times will bring us up to date on the House and Senate budgets. April 8, 2015

    April 08, 2015
  • The Office of Personnel Management saw a big drop in retirement claims for the month of March, which helped the agency trim its total claims backlog by about 3,500.

    April 06, 2015
  • The Thrift Savings Plan is on a roll and Senior Correspondent Mike Causey has got all the details.

    April 03, 2015
  • With approximately 30 percent of the federal workforce eligible to retire by 2017, Federal News Radio would like to learn more about the federal retirement experience and what impacts federal employees' decisions to retire. Take our survey today.

    April 02, 2015
  • While it's not quite as tragic as "Romeo and Juliet", marriages between feds with one in the CSRS retirement plan and the other in FERS can be a tricky thing, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    April 02, 2015
  • Only three of the 10 funds in the Thrift Savings Plan posted positive returns for the month of March.

    April 01, 2015
  • Defense Secretary Ashton Carter will propose a 401k-like retirement program for uniformed military personnel this week. USA today reports the goal is that everyone that leaves the military takes away a retirement fund, even if they don't stay in 20 years. Todd Harrison is senior fellow for defense budget studies at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. On In Depth with Francis Rose, he compared the idea to the work he's done on compensation and the work the Military Compensation Commission did.

    March 30, 2015
  • In England and in some parts of this country, a "take away" is when you order a popular fast food and take it home with you. In Washington "take away" is the legislative-political equivalent of bend-over-and-smile-this-is-going-to-hurt-you-more-than-me, says Senior Correspondent Mike Causey.

    March 27, 2015
  • The Fiscal Year 2016 budget the House passed Wednesday calls on federal employees to make greater contributions to their retirement plans, while altering the Thrift Savings Plan's G Fund. The budget also seeks to reduce the civilian workforce by 10 percent over the next 10 years through attrition.

    March 26, 2015