
  • Unless you get a better offer or drop dead before your time odds are you are going to eventually retire from the government...maybe in the same job you have now. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks, how soon should your realistic retirement planning begin.

    August 13, 2012
  • Are you a lifer, or are you waiting for Uncle Sam to show-you-the-money? Buyout offers abound in government but many employees say the tough economy is a good reason to stay on the job. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey asks have you hit the tipping point yet?

    August 08, 2012
  • The payroll tax cut deal made earlier this year included provisions to increase new federal employees' retirement contributions. We've posted a chart detailing how much employees and agencies will contribute.

    August 07, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management received more claims than expected last month, but for the third month in a row processed more claims than it expected to. OPM has also made progress cutting the longstanding backlog of retirement claims. At 44,679 claims, there are now fewer retirement claims stuck in the backlog than there were in December 2011, when OPM began tracking them as part of a new push to eliminate the logjam.

    August 06, 2012
  • NTEU president Colleen Kelley and Steve Watkins and Andy Medici from the Federal Times will talk about some of the big a wide variey of issues affecting federal workers. August 1, 2012

    August 01, 2012
  • Returns for most of the basic Thrift Savings Plan basic funds continued inching up in July, with only the S Fund, pegged to stocks of small and medium-sized U.S. companies, dipping into the red for the month.

    August 01, 2012
  • The contract includes "very stringent" IT security requirements. The announcement follows a data breach that affected 123,000 TSP participants in 2011.

    August 01, 2012
  • The Government Accountability Office compared an existing socially responsible investment stock index to the stock portfolio of the federal Thift Savings Plan and discovered several barriers existed for feds hoping to adopt a more socially conscious approach to their retirement planning.

    July 27, 2012
  • AFGE's Public Policy Director Jacque Simon and Stephen Losey and Sean Reilly of the Federal Times will talk about the big issues affecting federal workers. July 25, 2012

    July 25, 2012
  • The long-predicted retirement tsunami may or may not be out there. But if you are even thinking about retiring, you should assume the worst and protect yourself with a financial life-jacket That, or prepare for a long time underwater, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    July 25, 2012
  • Rep. Scott Rigell's (R-Va.) asked the Navy to postpone its layoff dates for a year. The Navy is laying off 3,000 sailors to help balance its force profile.

    July 13, 2012
  • When the power company announces that 98 percent of its customers have had their electricity restored it means that 2 percent are still in the dark. Thanks to an upsurge in retirements some federal retirees are experiencing a long wait in getting full benefits, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    July 13, 2012
  • Does following news about the federal establishment make you depressed. Does talk about extended pay freezes and reduced retirement benefits make you nervous in the civil service? So what's preventing you from chucking it all and retiring? Do you love your job regardless or worry that you'd have nothing to do in retirement? There may be another way out, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    July 12, 2012
  • Federal Times Senior Staff Writer Stephen Losey will give us an update on a new retirement law...and other legislation affecting federal workers. July 11, 2012

    July 11, 2012
  • What do you see when you look in the mirror? Is it a dedicated IRS auditor, a serious federal agent or a compassionate VA employee? Or, do you have a Charles Dickens moment and spot the ghost of Christmas Future — you after you have retired? While feds have mostly held on to their jobs, things could change quickly, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    July 11, 2012