
  • The Government Printing Office has announced more than 300 employees left the agency in the second half of 2011, mostly because of the buyouts and early retirements the agency offered last year. GPO\'s workforce is now stands at its lowest levels in a century, the agency said in a release.

    January 24, 2012
  • Tom Trabucco, director of external affairs at the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss the "three-legged stool" of federal retirement, the ballpark-estimate calculator and how it works.

    January 23, 2012
  • John Palguta of the Partnership for Public Service, Jessie Klement of the Federal Managers Association, Beth Moten of the American Federation of Government Employees will talk about the proposed federal pay freeze and other issues affecting federal employees. January 20, 2011

    January 21, 2012
  • Tim McManus, the vice president of education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, joined In Depth with Francis Rose to discuss what federal managers can do to fill in the blanks in their workforces as retirements and buyouts increase.

    January 20, 2012
  • If you've retired in the last year, you know all about the long wait to get a full annuity payment. OPM has declared war on the backlog, but how does it win? Some experienced feds suggest you can help your own case, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    January 20, 2012
  • The board that oversees the Thrift Savings Plan is reminding federal employees that their G Fund investments are safe — even if the government reaches the debt ceiling and cannot issue new securities to the G fund.

    January 19, 2012
  • Why is your decision to retire someday, or take a buyout right away, something like the problem Gen. Custer faced during the Battle of the Little Big Horn? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey explains.

    January 19, 2012
  • National Treasury Employees Union president Colleen M. Kelly and Federal Times reporters Sean Reilly and Andy Medici will discuss some of the big issues affecting government workers. January 18, 2012

    January 18, 2012
  • The Office of Personnel Management is trying to tackle its retirement services backlog with more staff and upgraded technology.

    January 18, 2012
  • What do younger federal workers have in common with the Javan Rhino, the Hawaiian Monk Seal and the Giant Chinese Salamander? All of them are on the rare or endangered species list, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says. But that may be about to change.

    January 17, 2012
  • TSA is offering targeted early retirements, but certain mission-critical employees cannot apply. NGA is offering 150 buyouts.

    January 13, 2012
  • The Internal Revenue Service has decided to offer a limited number of buyouts to many of the same employees who were asked if they would take $25,000 to retire last year. Other agencies are also making plans for limited, quick-decision buyouts.

    January 12, 2012
  • Reading about buyouts is as exciting and unrewarding as hearing about million-dollar lottery winners, unless you find out you may have one of the winning tickets, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    January 12, 2012
  • More than 320,000 government jobs disappeared over the last two years and while that\'s a lot, it is relatively good news for people who work for IRS, Defense, the VA and other federal operations, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says.

    January 09, 2012