Randy Silvey, president of Silverlight Financial, argues that federal employees are at a disadvantage compared to non-federal employees when it comes to having full control over their retirement money.
2016 was a good year for fed workers investing in TSP, despite ups and downs in the market. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey digs deeper into what's coming up next.
The Thrift Savings Plan began 2017 on a strong note, posting across-the-board positive returns, and continued its momentum from the end of 2016.
Lots of people wait for sales to buy things. But Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says sales panic lots of federal workers while they are building their retirement nest egg.
Financial planner Arthur Stein joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn to discuss TSP investment strategies to help you build your retirement nest egg. January 25, 2017
Tom Walker, a chartered federal employee benefits consultant and founder of Walker Capital Preservation Group, Inc., details what employees need to consider before taking a loan from their retirement savings account.
President Obama's 2.1 percent pay hike may be the last feds see for awhile from Congress, says Jeff Neal, former DHS chief human capital officer.
If one of your New Year's resolutions is to improve your financial picture, Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says federal workers should start with their Thrift Savings Plan.
Randy Silvey, president of Silverlight Financial, says federal employees need to have a better grasp of their financial situation as they decide to ride into the sunset.
The Thrift Savings Plan ended 2016 on a strong note, posting both positive monthly numbers and high yearly numbers.
Financial planner Arthur Stein shares his thoughts on the stock market's recent surge and what it means for your Thrift Savings Plan. January 4, 2016
Attorney Tom O'Rourke joins host Mike Causey on this week's Your Turn to answer your estate planning questions. December 28, 2016
What is the fastest growing group of federal workers? Scientists, IT specialists or millionaires? Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the answer may surprise you.
Stock market prognosticators predicted doom and gloom prior to the election. Senior Correspondent Mike Causey says the reality is quite different since then.
Investment strategist Lyn Alden says the internationally based I Fund may not be the best bet for TSP investors.