Sonny Hashmi, the commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service in the GSA, said agency and vendor feedback on the draft statement of work is critical to make sure Ascend is successful.
By the end of the fiscal year, FEMA plans to put about 26 systems in the cloud as a way to improve mission and citizen services.
Raj Iyer, the Army’s chief information officer, said 20,000 soldiers and civilians will be among the first to use the new bring-your-own-device technology.
The company is called Ditto. Not a household name in defense contracting. But if just got an indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract from the Air Force, worth a potential billion dollars.
Microsoft lost the 10-year top secret cloud contract competition for a second time, but decided not to protest.
Sharon Woods, the director of Hosting and Compute Center at DISA, said her office if building more modern cloud capabilities including a containters-as-a-service offering.
The mix of traditional and cloud DBaaS platforms will require IT professionals to master new skills.
Vincent Sritapan, the Cyber Quality Service Management Office section chief at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, said agencies and industry can comment on new guidance documents to establish standard cyber configurations.
Across the government, in agencies large and small, IT leaders have launched efforts to use to multi-domain cloud environments to deliver against mission demands. We talk to experts inside and outside government to uncover takeaways in this exclusive ebook.
There are now approaches to migration that can both ease and speed the path to public sector IT modernization considerably, and to powerful effect.
Gregg Judge of Army's ECMA said consistent language in cloud-based contracts, and around DevOps, allows the Army to pivot toward more standardized practices.
General Services Administration sees a shift in contract obligation and business volume data where sustainability is concerned.
Currently data centers account for approximately 2% of total U.S. energy use, equivalent to 10 to 50 times the energy per floor space of a typical commercial office building.
The General Services Administration wants to be the prime destination or federal agencies’ cloud solutions. Now it’s launching a new blanket purchase agreement specifically for cloud technology.
Lytwaive Hutchinson, the chief information officer at FEMA, is moving to a new role in the private sector.