Israel\'s intelligence services, military spokesman and Interior Ministry are among the websites that are offline due to a broad technical malfunction.
Through a restraining order, five Coreflood botnet command and control servers were seized and swapped with government servers halting further damage to millions of computers.
The software can stop someone from uploading a secret document, pinpoint the location of the breach, and notify administrators.
U.S. intelligence officials have accused China and Russia of systematically stealing data for their own national economic gain. It is the most forceful and detailed public airing of U.S. allegations after years of private complaints, the Associated Press reports.
George Arnold of the National Institute of Standards and Technology talks about establishing a more efficient electric power system.
The Homeland Security Department and NASA moving to the cloud to support mission needs and reduce the cost and effort to support back-office systems. Federal Chief Information Officer Steven VanRoekel said he is focusing on four areas of cloud: agencies, procurement, international and cybersecurity.
The Department of Homeland Security wants to be your \"friend\" whether you invite them or not.
The malware was originally written for Linux nearly ten years ago, but hackers are recompiling the code to make it run on Mac OS X.
Tom Harper, the lab\'s CIO, said the national laboratory created an infrastructure-on-demand platform for easy provisioning of cloud services. He said Los Alamos also introduced WiFi earlier this year for access to its unclassified network.
A Congressional report points the finger at the Chinese military for a hack attack that happened between 2007 and 2008. The tampering originated from a ground station in Norway but had all the telltale tactics of a Chinese attack, the report says.
The SANS Institute has awarded Los Alamos the 2011 U.S. National Cybersecurity Innovation Award for cloud computing security. The lab was the victim of a serious security breach in 1999.
The department released a request for information for 11 email and collaboration services in the cloud. The RFI comes after Onix and Google dropped its protest of Interior\'s award to Softchoice and Microsoft for cloud email in October 2010.
Col. Steve Zotti, the chief of staff for Marine Forces Cyber Command, the Federal Drive with Tom Temin and Amy Morris that cyberspace links together nearly all the other domains.
The Stuxnet worm doesn\'t have a twin after all. Last month Symantec discovered a malware threat with such strong similarities to Stuxnet they called it the Son of Stuxnet.
STRATFOR Vice President of Intelligence Fred Burton joins host Derrick Dortch on today\'s show. October 28, 2011