
  • The federal government will increase its spending on information technology from $86 billion in 2010 to $112 billion by 2015, according to a new forecast by Input, a Reston, Va.-based consulting firm.

    November 04, 2010
  • One of the top IT officials at the State Department wants to push the boundaries of using biometrics to determine who gets visas and passports in the United States.

    November 04, 2010
  • eSecurity Planet reports a new phishing scam target military families.

    November 03, 2010
  • The District of Colombia is taking the first steps to provide ballots over the Internet - specifically for military personnel stationed overseas. But security concerns are forcing them to scale back.

    November 03, 2010
  • Cary Coglianese, a professor of law at the University of Pennsylvania, tells the DorobekINSIDER it is still difficult to assess how effective these e-government initiatives have been.

    November 03, 2010
  • The shifts on Capitol Hill will have ripple effects throughout government - and cybersecurity issues are no exception.

    November 03, 2010
  • Listening now available on any mobile phone via AudioNow.

    November 03, 2010
  • It\'s been more than nine months since the Federal Data Center Consolidation Initiative began with the intent to reduce energy usage, lower IT costs and improve security. And some federal agencies are discovering that it\'s difficult to reduce spending without putting some money upfront first. NASA is just one of the federal agencies trying to [...]

    November 03, 2010
  • The Federal Drive\'s Tom Temin caught up with Todd Park, the chief technology officer for Health and Human Services. Park gives an update on the progress of moving towards electronic health records and examines a linkage between two pieces of health record legislation.

    November 03, 2010
  • The White House wants common security requirements for agencies in the cloud. So GSA is rolling out FedRAMP. They say it will provide security authorizations and continuous monitoring of cloud systems.

    November 03, 2010
  • As the dust settles from the midterm elections, look for changes to how cybersecurity matters are handled on Capitol Hill. Homeland Security NewsWire is reporting that Representatives Peter King of New York and Darrell Issa of California will likely chair two committees with cybersecurity oversight.

    November 03, 2010
  • The Army has filled two of its highest acquisition jobs. Heidi Shyu has been appointed principal deputy assistant secretary for acquisition, logistics and technology. Scott Fish is its new chief scientist.

    November 03, 2010
  • A really cool interview for you this week about a cloud computing contest the Federal Communications Commission is running. Federal News Radio’s Amy Morris and Tom Temin spoke with Pam Gregory, Director of the FCC’s Accessibility and Innovation Initiative. Gregory told Federal News Radio the FCC recognizes that “cloud is the future” and leveraging its [...]

    November 02, 2010
  • Agencies can take a lesson from the General Services Administration\'s newly announced telepresence plan aimed at saving money and the earth. GSA discussed recently their $18 million plan to build what they call virtual meeting centers within 11 of regional headquarters offices and four headquarters offices in the Washington-metro area. Agencies with their own telepresence capabilities can interoperate with the new GSA virtual centers with the proper technical set up. Bob Lesino, GSA spokesman tells InformationWeek, agencies need to be able to deliver and receive 1080p video resolution and support H.323/H.264. The idea behind telepresence moves video teleconferencing to another level. GSA touts the technology behind the centers, boasting \"live, face-to-face, immersive meeting experiences.\" Each room is expected to have high-definition video and advanced audio equipment. \"You will feel like you are making eye contact [with the other person], [you will] feel like you are sitting across the table from them, almost as if you can pass the person a cup of coffee, \" said Martha Johnson, GSA administrator. \"As the federal government\'s workplace solutions expert, GSA is exploring new ways to create a more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable government for the American people. This includes incorporating innovative and collaborative technologies like virtual meeting centers to create seamless connections around the world. Availability of virtual meeting technology will help launch our government to the next level of productivity.\" The goal is for GSA to become a model for technologies that enable a mobile workforce, she added. The whole point of telepresence is to make it easier to get the job done. And saving time and money is part of that equation. \"The cost of travel is not just the price of a plane ticket. You have to factor in the sheer wear and tear of travel on people, \" said Johnson. The centers will be available for use by all agencies at a fixed hourly rate. The network will let any subscribing agency meet with counterparts in Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, Kansas City, Fort Worth, Denver, San Francisco, Seattle, and Washington, as well as with counterparts in other telepresence networks nationally and internationally. The centers will also be made available to stateside military families so that they can meet virtually with service members overseas. AT&T will develop and manage the virtual network through a task order under GSA\'s Networx Enterprise contract. Once the network is operational, agencies will be able to order and schedule virtual meeting sessions through a secure Web portal as well as through a valet that will be available around the clock. Johnson said the first of the virtual meeting centers will be operational in early 2011.

    November 02, 2010



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