
  • Even after transitioning four systems to shared services, the Department of Housing and Urban Development still doesn't have what it needs. All this is documented in the latest study from the Government Accountability Office. Valerie Melvin, director of Information Management and Technology Resources issues at GAO, shares more on Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    August 16, 2016
  • Is your agency swamped with data? This week on Federal Tech Talk, Monica McEwen, public sector director at Qlick will explain how her company uses data analytics to help federal IT professionals take diverse streams of information and make sense of them. August 16, 2016

    August 15, 2016
  • Enterprise Information Services submitted a complaint to the Government Accountability Office on Aug. 10 on the unrestricted version of Alliant 2.

    August 15, 2016
  • NASA photographer travels to West Virginia to capture images of annual meteor shower.

    August 15, 2016
  • Experts say the Office of Management and Budget’s update to the circular will greatly reduce agency pushback against using smart identity cards and other identity authentication and verification technologies.

    August 15, 2016
  • Dave Nelson is leaving the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to be the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s CIO while Karen DeSalvo left her role as coordinator for health IT to focus full time on being acting assistant secretary for health.

    August 15, 2016
  • Cloud has become a necessity for holding the large amounts of data generated by the so-called internet of things phenomenon. That's according to an analysis of spending patterns from Govini. Govini analyst Matt Hummer and the FCC's Chief Information Officer David Bray join Federal Drive with Tom Temin to add some context.

    August 12, 2016
  • Congress handed the White House and Treasury a job back in 2014: Establish a new reporting system for agency spending that would make it easier for people to see and anaylze for themselves, how the goverment spends $1 trillion every year. But the Data Act has proved difficult to implement, as documented in two recent studies from the Government Accountability Office. Paula Rascona, director of financial management and assurance issues at the GAO. joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    August 12, 2016