
  • This week, host John Gilroy talks with Paul Smith of Red Hat September 14, 2010

    September 14, 2010
  • The U.S. Department of Labor\'s Employment and Training Administration has launched a new Web portal to help people looking for a job match their current skills to new careers, and find out what training is needed to transition from one job to another. The online tool is called \"mySkillsmyFuture\" and can be accessed at Users will be able to review local job postings, and training and education opportunities. They also will be able to find descriptions, salary information and common job tasks associated with any listed occupation. The new site\'s features include detailed information about occupational skills that can be transferred from one job to another; a side-by-side comparison chart of likely skill gaps from one occupation to another; and links to local training programs. Users can also look for opportunities for short-term training programs provided by local community colleges and other postsecondary schools, details about obtaining credentials such as certifications, licenses and apprenticeships. They can also apply for open job postings available by ZIP code or state.

    September 14, 2010
  • The National Institutes of Health has awarded the first new grants under the Biomedical Research on the International Space Station (or BioMed-ISS) initiative, a collaborative effort between NIH and NASA. Using a special microgravity environment that Earth-based laboratories cannot replicate, researchers will explore fundamental questions about important health issues, such as how bones and the immune system are weakened. The National Laboratory at the International Space Station provides a virtually gravity-free - or microgravity - environment where the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie human diseases can be explored. Scientists will conduct their experiments in two stages. The first is a ground-based preparatory phase to allow investigators to meet select milestones and technical requirements. The second is an Space Station experimental phase. That will include preparing the experiments for launch, working with astronauts to conduct them on the Space Station, and then performing subsequent data analyses on Earth.

    September 14, 2010
  • Fossil fuel power plants generate about two-thirds of the world\'s total electricity, and are expected to continue to play an important role in the years ahead. But, increasing energy demands worldwide means that there will be a need to better monitor power plants for signs of age and inefficiency, while stricter emission requirements will require higher levels of performance, capacity, and efficiency. The U.S. Department of Energy is about to fund five projects that will develop technologically sophisticated monitoring networks for advanced fossil energy power systems. The projects will support efforts by the Office of Fossil Energy\'s Advanced Research-Coal Utilization Science Program. They\'ll study new ways to develop and validate models of these networks; and the wireless, self-powered sensors used for advanced, next-generation power systems. They\'ll monitor the status of equipment, the degradation of materials, and the conditions that impact the overall health of any one component or system in the harsh high-temperature, highly corrosive environments of advanced power plants. These advanced networks will help enhance the overall reliability, performance, and availability of emerging near-zero emissions power production systems. $6.5 million will be invested in the projects, with nearly $5 million from the Energy Department and the remaining $1.5 million in cost share provided by the recipients.

    September 14, 2010
  • The Obama administration’s chief performance officer self-assessment of how the federal government is doing so far: “I believe we are off to a good start, and that we are developing the momentum required for meaningful,…

    September 14, 2010
  • The new, border-wide use of the Predator aircraft marks an unprecedented amount of resources directed to the southwest. Michael Kostelnik, the Assistant Commissioner of the Office of Air and Marine for Customs and Border Protection explains.

    September 14, 2010
  • Treasury says it will launch a new pilot program to help capitalize on tax refund season as an opportunity to provide unbanked and underbanked Americans with access to safe, low-cost financial accounts. Assistant Secretary Michael Barr explains.

    September 14, 2010
  • FCC has tapped a former Microsoft executive to help revamp the agency\'s web and data resources. The goal: to \"reboot\", and make it a model for how government uses the web to serve citizens.

    September 14, 2010
  • September 13th and September 15th As Associate Administrator, McClure oversees the Office of Citizen Services and Communications\' two main divisions: the Office of Citizen Services and the Office of Communications and Marketing.

    September 13, 2010
  • Steven VanRoekel is the managing director at FCC. He told the DorobekINSIDER about the changes introduced on the site.

    September 13, 2010
  • Learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update

    September 13, 2010
  • In something of a coup — Bloomberg’s BGov, the mysterious government focused site by the financial news giant, has hired one of the best tech editors. Allan Holmes, who led and created NextGov for Atlantic…

    September 13, 2010
  • NARA says the Electronic Records Archive is at risk if they build it and agencies don\'t use it. We get details from NARA\'s Meg Phillips and Charles Piercy.

    September 13, 2010
  • Anti-US hacker takes credit for \'Here you have\' worm

    September 13, 2010



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