
  • When NASA scientists were stymied last year in trying to devise a formula for predicting solar flares, they took an unusual approach: They posted their problem online, and offered a prize to anyone who could solve it. One requirement: the person with the winning solution would have to fork over exclusive rights to the idea - in exchange for a $30,000 prize. 579 people considered the challenge, while only five submitted entries. The winner was a retired radio frequency engineer from New Hampshire who offered an algorithm that may be a first step in helping NASA predict when solar particles might endanger astronauts or spacecraft. Top officials within the General Services Administration and the Office of Management and Budget have called the contest the beginning of a huge movement. Now, the website challenge-dot-gov allows agencies to post challenges, create blogs and discussions, and reward winners with an array of incentives.

    September 03, 2010
  • Air Force headquarters is restructuring parts of its space program. Air Force Secretary Michael Donley says the changes will streamline space operations, and will apply to headquarters, but not field offices. The review involved over 70 key people and organizations, including the Air Force, the Department of Defense, Congress and other space related groups within government and the commercial sector. Among the changes, the Air Force undersecretary will take charge of the space program. Also, the job of space acquisition has been moved out of the undersecretary of the Air Force\'s office to the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition. The Secretary says the changes will allow Air Force to perform space work in a more streamlined and effective way, with the ultimate goal of providing the best space support to the warfighter.

    September 03, 2010
  • CBP lax in controlling cybersecurity

    September 03, 2010
  • Woody Talcove, CEO of government business for LexisNexis, details the benefits of using public records to meet your agency\'s mission.

    September 02, 2010
  • Ensuring buildings are safe from the ground up.

    September 02, 2010
  • learn more in today\'s cybersecurity update

    September 02, 2010
  • If you don\'t want employees in your agency to use a USB device, you can install an agent on the laptop that\'ll block any communication with a USB device. It is one example of a Data Leak Prevention tool, which can help you define the data you\'re trying to protect from threats within your own network. But that also means you have to know exactly what data it is that you WANT to protect. Khalid Kark of Forrester Research says if you don\'t know, you can\'t define it and the DLP tools can\'t work.

    September 02, 2010
  • New tools can help you protect your network from the threat within. Khalid Kark of Forrester Research says there\'s a set of tools that are considered \"network-centric,\" that will record all the network sessions. That allows cyber sleuths to replay the sessions and find out where any breaches or intrusions are coming from - in house. There are also \"data leak prevention\" tools you can use that\'ll allow you to create your own parameters that\'ll block that information from leaving your network.

    September 02, 2010
  • The cyber threat landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Experts believe that more threats than ever are not coming from other countries, or malicious hackers - but from within the network!The U.S. National Counterintelligence Strategy says that insiders are targeting networks to intercept information, or disrupt operations. Khalid Kark of Forrester Research says agencies have to manage people, the process, and technological controls. Continuous monitoring is the new buzzword.

    September 02, 2010
  • DARPA is one agency that recognizes cyber threats are just as likely to come from within the network. The agency has posted a solicitation on Fed Biz Ops looking for what they call novel approaches to insider threat detection. The Defense Advanced Research Agency is looking for a way to increase the accuracy, rate and speed of detection. The Cyber Insider Threat (CINDER) program will stop adversaries from operating within government and military networks before they can get access.

    September 02, 2010
  • This week, host Jason Miller talks with GPO\'s Mike Wash about updating the agency\'s cybersecurity programs. Sept. 2, 2010

    September 02, 2010
  • This week, FSS talks to Dave Powner, the director of information technology management issues at the Government Accountability Office. Sept. 2, 2010

    September 02, 2010
  • Are there any actual studies on the savings from moving e-mail or data or storage to the cloud? And if so, what are the real savings?

    September 02, 2010
  • In the last 18 months, Melissa Hathaway said, cybersecurity threats have gotten far more stealthy and there is an understanding that it\'s not just an Internet-based threat. It can come from a multi-media device internally or even a wi-fi device.

    September 02, 2010



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