The Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT) is calling on NASA to unleash Gryphon X, a next-generation cybersecurity concept.
DHS promotes Danny Toler and brings on GSA veteran Emile Monett to work on the CDM program.
Reactions to the suggestion that federal CIOs don't need to be rock stars was met with a host of reactions, including that the success of the CIO mostly depends on how well they understand how the government works and how they adapt to the culture.
Within the next month, the Navy expects to issue a request for proposals to support a new concept it’s calling the “Cloud Store.”
Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen warned that without adequate funding and a renewed hiring authority from Congress, the IRS is going to remain understaffed, less vigilant against tax fraud and at a higher risk of cyber attack.
The Department of Health and Human Services' inspector general highlighted several areas agencies should focus on when developing IT projects, including creating a badgeless culture with industry partners, better integration of policy and technology and a “ruthless prioritization” of capabilities.
Emergency management agencies say existing social media channels are often their best way to crowdsource and collect important information during a major weather event or natural disaster. Agencies such as FEMA and the Health and Human Services Department are adapting their strategy to embrace the "social listening" concept.
The Army doesn't think it will be able to adopt Windows 10 by the DoD's deadline.