Innovation can be hard to define, especially in something as stodgy as the federal government. But you know it when you see it. A study sponsored by the IBM Center for the Business of Government found lots of obstacles to innovation in federal agencies, but also lots of successes. Greg Dawson is senior faculty associate in the school for public affairs at Arizona State University and Jim Denford heads the management and economics department at the Royal Military College of Canada. They did the research and authored the report. Federal Drive with Tom Temin asked them to define innovation. Dawson speaks first.
When President Barack Obama signed the omnibus appropriations bill just before Christmas, he enacted a big boost in dollars going to several science agencies. The increase was even more than the Obama administration had asked for. For analysis of federal 2016 R & D spending, Federal Drive with Tom Temin turned to Matt Hourihan, director of the R&D Budget and Policy program at the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
The Navy plans a formal announcement regarding the creation of a rapid acquisition office within the next several months. Each of the military services would like Congress to allow more flexibility so that weapons system funding can be spent on protoypes.
SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet said she's also reviewing candidates for the agency's chief information officer position but gave no indication that she had selected a person or when that position might get filled. The agency's former CIO, Renee Macklin, left SBA over the summer.
Adriane Burton, the Health Resources and Services Administration’s chief information officer, said she is using data analytics tools to better understand the agency’s business needs.
Chris Geldart, director of DC's Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency, joins host Derrick Dortch and gives us a behind the scenes look at how his agency handles 911 and 311 calls in the city. January 8, 2016
The head of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said about half of the nation's data would be at risk if the Education Department was hacked.
Cloud, cybersecurity and agile development —those are what federal chief information officers and their staffs will be dealing with in 2016. But all three fronts are changing. The Professional Services Council recently completed research interviews on the 2016 federal IT trends. Heading the effort was Kim Pack, the vice president of business capture specialists Wolf Den Associates. She told Federal Drive with Tom Temin how the whole forecast is put together.