
  • An IT research company is calling on enterprise to be smarter with its wireless spending. Analysts with Gartner Inc. found that 80 percent of companies will overspend on mobile services by an average of 15…

    August 04, 2009
  • ID management can sound, well, boring. But there is something of a transition going on with government identity management — shifting more from getting HSPD-12 cards out to people to now focusing on what you…

    August 03, 2009
  • FederalNewsRadio has been following the development of the Obama administration’s open government and transparency initiative. The federal government used an innovative way of reaching out to include the public in the development of that policy…

    August 03, 2009
  • It’s been called Facebook for the Intelligence Community. The Defense Intelligence Agency recently conducted a study and looked at A-Space. Ahmad Ishaq, A-Space Project Manager, and Mike Woods, Senior Analyst for the Functional Requirements Team,…

    August 03, 2009
  • Should agencies use Twitter, and if so, how? The microblogging site is very new, but many governments around the world are find various ways to use Twitter. The British government, however, is one of the…

    August 03, 2009
  • UK government official says they encourage feedback.

    August 03, 2009
  • By Emily Jarvis Internet Editor FederalNewsRadio Twitter, Facebook, podcasts and blogs are just a couple of the social media tools young people are using on a daily basis. Now the Department of Defense is trying…

    August 03, 2009
  • July 28th, 2009 Listen to this week\'s show to hear discussion topics including: Procurement Controlling waste with procurement Transparency with procurement

    August 03, 2009
  • National Archives and Records Administration has a huge task ahead in storing data from the former and all current Administrations and making it searchable and retrievable. According to the Government Accountability Office, as of late April, only 3 percent of all presidential records from the Bush Administration have been saved into the Electronic Records Archive. NARA says they plan on ingesting the remainder of the records before the end of the year. GAO also noted that NARA\'s archival system has no back up. Archives says their contingency plan is under final review.

    August 03, 2009
  • Today, the state of Virginia wants you to let your employees work from home. It’s telework day there, and the move is designed to save energy and streamline business. Thousands of federal workers and contractors…

    August 03, 2009
  • We have been telling you about the the Recovery and Transparency Board and the General Services Administration, which acted as the Recovery Board’s acquisition team, $9.5 million contact award to Smartronix for the next generation…

    August 03, 2009
  • Blogs and enhanced search functions are part of the newly revamped The Department of Labor did the overhaul because they say the needs of those with disabilities are changing. Kathy Martinez, Assistant Secretary of…

    July 31, 2009
  • Congressman wants outlaw insecure, open network, peer-to-peer software from all government and contractor computers and networks.

    July 31, 2009
  • In the process of converting Clinton-era White House documents to a new electronic storage system, the National Archives turns to popular portable digital storage devices. Then, one of those portable hard drives disappears. And a House committee gets a progress report on the investigation.

    July 31, 2009



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