Tom Temin

  • Federal managers might be feeling as they're in limbo in 2016. Political appointees are scarce. And in his final State of the Union address, President Barack Obama didn't have much to say to the federal workforce itself or his desire for any sort of federal reform. Tim McManus, vice president for education and outreach at the Partnership for Public Service, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin with his reflections on the speech and year ahead.

    January 14, 2016
  • Politicians and their appointees make public policy, but career people have to implement it. Often they have to figure that out for themselves. Paul Light, dean of federal service researchers at New York University, tells Federal Drive with Tom Temin most consultants and think tanks look down their noses at the nuts and bolts of government.

    January 14, 2016
  • Of the 1,000 or 1,200 political positions, very few appointees actually do apply to burrow in. In fact, most depart early for the misty shores of think tanks, consultancies, and corporate USA.

    January 14, 2016
  • House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry singled out new acquisition reform goals and a possible Defense Department reorganization for the 2017 Defense authorization bill.

    January 13, 2016
  • It's been a long time coming, but now the First Responder Network Authority, or FirstNet, has released a request for proposals to deploy a nationwide, broadband public safety network. FirstNet President TJ Kennedy is calling it a landmark development. He joined the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to talk about the details of the RFP and what it means.

    January 13, 2016
  • In today's Federal Headlines, Customs and Border Protection said it had its first incursion involving a drone attempting to fly drugs across the border back in November.

    January 13, 2016
  • As promised, last night's State of the Union speech from President Barack Obama was relatively short on big legislative proposals. More a restatement of his and his administration's values and a call, perhaps, for a little less partisanship. After listening to the speech from halfway around the world Steve Goodrich, CEO of the Center for Organizational Excellence, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin to share some analysis.

    January 13, 2016
  • It was only back in September that the Government Accountability Office issued a set of eight recommendations for the Small Business Administration. That agency has weak internal controls, workforce planning and strategy development. It's suffered from a lack of management attention to them. SBA has made progress, but GAO is still concerned. Bill Shear, GAO's director of financial markets and community investment issues, filled in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on the latest.

    January 13, 2016
  • Navy brass say they're losing a game of catch up when it comes to taking care of critical facilities. They say a lack of funding and the continued deterioration of installments has led to cuts in quality of life programs. While the recently-enacted, two-year budget deal gives Navy personnel programs some reprieve, officials say they still don't have enough to keep up with crumbling buildings. Federal News Radio's Scott Maucione fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin on all the details.

    January 13, 2016
  • DoD's forthcoming update to enterprise email is likely to include several other business collaboration tools, and will be rebranded as the "Defense Office Automation Service."

    January 13, 2016
  • Organizations have had, in the strict definition of the words, "development operations." They didn't always function very well.

    January 12, 2016
  • Similar to the way the debacle sparked reforms to technology management, the Office of Personnel Management data breach is fueling a deep discussion around cloud computing. So much so in fact, a two year effort to develop a bill to make it easier for agencies to migrate to the cloud is on track to be introduced in another six weeks. In the latest installment of his weekly Reporter's Notebook, executive editor Jason Miller writes about the cloud bill and why it has good chance of becoming law.

    January 12, 2016
  • Personnel issues dominated the Defense Department over the last couple of weeks. Reductions in force for the Air Force and security clearance backlogs for contractors were the bugaboos. For details, Federal Drive with Tom Temin spoke to with Federal News Radio's DoD reporte. Jared Serbu.

    January 12, 2016
  • A few federal employees and military officers got caught when the big Ashley Madison data breach came out last year. Bet they wish that data had been encrypted. Ditto for the IRS and Office of Personnel Management, both of which lost control of data on millions of people. Encryption is getting a new look by many chief information security officers now. Leo Guthart, chairman of Security First Corporation, Federal Drive with Tom Temin an industry update.

    January 12, 2016