Federal Drive

  • Postmaster General Megan Brennan told the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, Congress needs to pass legislative reforms to her agency, now.

    January 21, 2016
  • During a confirmation hearing Eric Fanning said the Army needs a Rapid Capabilities Office and is lagging in readiness.

    January 21, 2016
  • Cost effective management of human capital is what Congress wants from the Defense Department. It used section 955 of the 2013 Defense Authorization Bill to get it. But DoD still has a ways to go in complying. Brenda Farrell, the director of Defense Capabilities and Management issues at Government Accountability Office, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more.

    January 21, 2016
  • While the presidential campaigns in both parties seem to prattle on endlessly, one thing we know for sure. Come Friday, Jan. 20, 2017, someone new will enter the Oval Office. Probably with sore feet after a day of inauguration parades and galas. The real business of transition is already underway. Dan Blair, president and CEO of the National Academy of Public Administration, fills in Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    January 21, 2016
  • The Office of Personnel Management is opening up the government's wallet and saving employees money in an attempt to bring more cybersecurity experts into agencies.

    January 21, 2016
  • Fear of asteroids can conjures up snickers, like worries of a spaceship veering in on the National Mall. In reality, asteroids whack at the Earth regularly.

    January 21, 2016
  • Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has ordered the service, including the Marine Corps, to review all job or rank titles with the aim of removing “man” as a descriptor. Federal News Radio would like to know…

    January 20, 2016
  • The Congressional Budget Office says the Defense Department is about to hit a bow wave of expenses toward the end of the future years defense plan just about by 2020. CBO says DoD’s current acquisition plans will increase by 11 percent from 2020 to 2023 reaching a peak of $191 billion. Federal News Radio's Scott Maucione joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin. with more about where that money is going and where other funds are going in DoD.

    January 20, 2016
  • It might be a small risk, but if it happened, nobody would like it much. An asteroid hitting the earth, if it were big enough, could deliver untold damage and loss of life. You might be surprised how many potential earth-striking objects are out there. Now NASA has re-organized its efforts to track near-earth objects. Lindley Johnson, who leads the Planetary Defense Coordination Office, provides insight for Federal Drive with Tom Temin.

    January 20, 2016
  • The provision tells agencies to show how program performance metrics are tied to priority goals.

    January 20, 2016
  • Congress hasn't quite found its rhythm yet for 2016. But Republican House and Senate members spent a couple of days in retreat last week, planning their legislative agenda for the last year of the Obama administration. David Hawkings, senior editor at CQ Roll Call, joins Federal Drive with Tom Temin with all the details.

    January 20, 2016
  • Maybe it's the size of the budget. Maybe it's the growing number of agencies and policies. But presidential transitions seem to demand greater and greater attention with each turnover. A couple of Washington groups have already formed transition efforts focused on getting the next President, whoever it is, up to speed in a hurry. Now the Partnership for Public Service has formed the Center for Presidential Transition. David Eagles, the partnership's director for this effort, joined Federal Drive with Tom Temin with all the details.

    January 20, 2016
  • Navy Secretary Ray Mabus has ordered the service, including the Marine Corps, to review all job or rank titles with the aim of removing "man" as a descriptor syllable.

    January 20, 2016
  • Office of Management and Budget Deputy Chief Information Officer Lisa Schlosser said her office will start holding agencies more accountable for taking advantage of plays in the U.S. Digital Services Playbook. The playbook lists 13 best practices for delivering products and services to the public more quickly.

    January 19, 2016