Federal Drive

  • In recent years, the Army Reserve has provided important sustainment to the long ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and many other Army missions. Now the Reserve is focused on what’s ahead. Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Talley, commander of the Army Reserve, spoke to Federal Drive with Tom Temin, which broadcast live from the Association of the U.S. Army convention in Washington.

    October 13, 2015
  • The more you try to compare federal and private salaries and benefits, the more complicated the topic becomes.

    October 12, 2015
  • After more than a decade of growth, the General Services Administration realized its professional services schedule needed some serious pruning. GSA completed the first step in that process on Oct. 1 by merging eight professional services multiple award contracts into one. In his weekly feature Inside the Reporter’s Notebook executive editor Jason Miller writes about the changes to the $10 billion-a-year schedule.

    October 12, 2015
  • In today's news, the VA's customer experience office is getting some much needed and welcome help, some cyber forces commissioned by the Defense Department's cyber strategy are participating in operations, and a bill to let agencies hire new employees more easily took a key step in the House on Friday.

    October 12, 2015
  • The Homeland Security Department says it's moving forward with its plans to reorganize the National Protection and Programs Directorate. But the House recently passed a new bill that requires congressional review and approval before DHS reorganizes any of its component agencies. Federal News Radio reporter Nicole Ogrysko has more.

    October 09, 2015
  • The Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards honor many of the individuals and businesses among the region's government contractors. The awards, sponsored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce and the Professional Services Council, celebrate high achievers. Between now and Nov. 5, Federal News Radio is interviewing the finalists for this year's awards. John Vollmer is executive vice president and chief operating officer for the federal group at AECOM, and a finalist for this year's Contractor of the Year award in the greater than $300 million in sales category. He joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin to discuss his nomination.

    October 09, 2015
  • The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency wants to build an early warning system for cyber attacks. Previous IARPA research showed publicly available data sources can be used to accurately predict events like disease outbreaks and political crises. Now with its Cyber-attack Automated Unconventional Sensor Environment, or CAUSE, program, the agency wants to apply that model to detecting cyber attacks. Dr. Jason Matheny, the director of IARPA, joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with more on CAUSE.

    October 09, 2015
  • When Veteran Affairs Department employees think about how they will improve customer service, they need to consider the backstage, the front stage and being on stage. That’s the theater analogy Tom Allin, VA’s chief veterans experience officer, uses in a new framework introduced to the agency earlier this month. Federal News Radio’s executive editor Jason Miller joins the Federal Drive with Tom Temin with details about how this framework will help VA turn the corner in how it helps veterans.

    October 09, 2015
  • The Greater Washington Government Contractor Awards honor many of the individuals and businesses among the region's government contractors. The awards, sponsored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce and the Professional Services Council, celebrate high achievers. Between now and Nov. 5, Federal News Radio is interviewing the finalists for this year's awards. John Heller is the chief executive officer of PAE, and a finalist for this year's Contractor of the Year award in the greater than $300 million in sales category. He tells the Federal Drive with Tom Temin more about his company and its nomination.

    October 09, 2015
  • The federal government has been spending money to build a skilled cybersecurity workforce since the 1990s. But a new study by the National Academy of Public Administration says it's time to refocus those efforts. Among their recommendations: more hands-on education for cybersecurity students, more tracking of the outcomes of the hundreds of federally-funded courses, and more support for cybersecurity education by the Defense Department. Federal News Radio's Jared Serbu spoke to two members of the study panel: Dave Wennergren of the Professional Services Council and Karen Evans, the director of the U.S. Cyber Challenge. Evans says the U.S. needs to make the most of its cyber education investments, given the big gap between the supply and demand for skilled workers.

    October 09, 2015
  • In today's news, U.S. maritime port authorities are pushing the Department of Homeland Security for guidance on cyber attack reporting, expect to see more mergers and acquisitions among federal contractors in 2016, and Larry Gross is the new chief information officer for the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

    October 09, 2015
  • The Defense Department and Congress aren’t keen on a new proposed rule on commercial items. To help the process along, DoD is creating centers of excellence to train employees in commercial item pricing. DoD is doing this so it doesn’t have to rely on pricing data to make sure it’s getting fair and reasonable prices. Federal News Radio reporter Scott Maucione explains how.

    October 08, 2015
  • Regulation changes from the Office of Personnel Management will help agencies design performance appraisal systems for senior executives. Steve Shih is deputy associate director for senior executive services and performance management at the Office of Personnel Management. He told Federal News Radio's Lauren Larson about some of the changes.

    October 08, 2015
  • In today's news, the Senior Executives Association will get a new leader, the Senate passed the 2016 defense authorization bill by a vote of 70-27, and VA's chief veterans experience officer said he needs congressional help to follow recommendations set out in a recent study.

    October 08, 2015